
@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION])
annotation class WasmExport(val name: String = "")(source)

Exports a function with the given optional name. The declaration name will be used if the name argument is not provided.

Can only be used on top-level non-external functions.

The annotated function will be exported from Wasm module without type adapters.

Since Kotlin

@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION])
annotation class WasmExport(val name: String = "")(source)

Exports a function with the given optional name. The declaration name will be used if the name argument is not provided.

Can only be used on top-level non-external functions.

The annotated function will be exported from Wasm module without type adapters.

Since Kotlin



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Since Kotlin 1.8
Since Kotlin 1.8