Parses the string to a Byte number or returns null
if the string is not a valid representation of a Byte.
The string must consist of an optional leading +
or -
sign and decimal digits (0-9
), and fit the valid Byte value range (within Byte.MIN_VALUE..Byte.MAX_VALUE
), otherwise null
is returned.
Since Kotlin
import kotlin.test.assertFailsWith
fun main() {
println("0".toByteOrNull()) // 0
println("42".toByteOrNull()) // 42
println("042".toByteOrNull()) // 42
println("-42".toByteOrNull()) // -42
println("127".toByteOrNull()) // 127
// Byte overflow
println("128".toByteOrNull()) // null
// 'a' is not a digit
println("-1a".toByteOrNull()) // null
// underscore
println("1_00".toByteOrNull()) // null
// whitespaces
println(" 22 ".toByteOrNull()) // null
Parses the string as a signed Byte number and returns the result or null
if the string is not a valid representation of a number.
Since Kotlin
when radix is not a valid radix for string to number conversion.