
actual class BitSet(size: Int = ELEMENT_SIZE)(source)

A vector of bits growing if necessary and allowing one to set/clear/read bits from it by a bit index.

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the size of one element in the array used to store bits.


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constructor(length: Int, initializer: (Int) -> Boolean)

Creates a bit set of given length filling elements using initializer

actual constructor(size: Int = ELEMENT_SIZE)

creates an empty bit set with the specified size


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object Companion
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actual val isEmpty: Boolean

True if this BitSet contains no bits set to true.

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Returns an index of the last bit that has true value. Returns -1 if the set is empty.

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actual var size: Int

Actual number of bits available in the set. All bits with indices >= size assumed to be 0

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actual fun and(another: BitSet)

Performs a logical and operation over corresponding bits of this and another BitSets. The result is saved in this BitSet.

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actual fun andNot(another: BitSet)

Performs a logical and + not operations over corresponding bits of this and another BitSets. The result is saved in this BitSet.

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fun clear()

Sets all bits in the BitSet to false.

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fun clear(index: Int)
fun clear(range: IntRange)

Clears the bit specified

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fun clear(from: Int, to: Int)

Clears the bits with indices between from (inclusive) and to (exclusive) to the specified value.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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fun flip(index: Int)

Reverses the bit specified.

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fun flip(range: IntRange)

Reverses the bits from the range specified.

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fun flip(from: Int, to: Int)

Reverses the bits with indices between from (inclusive) and to (exclusive).

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actual operator fun get(index: Int): Boolean

Returns a value of a bit with the index specified.

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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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actual fun intersects(another: BitSet): Boolean

Returns true if the specified BitSet has any bits set to true that are also set to true in this BitSet.

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actual fun nextClearBit(startIndex: Int = 0): Int

Returns an index of a next bit which value is false after startIndex (inclusive). Returns size if there is no such bits between startIndex and size - 1 assuming that the set has an infinite sequence of false bits after (size - 1)-th.

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actual fun nextSetBit(startIndex: Int = 0): Int

Returns an index of a next bit which value is true after startIndex (inclusive). Returns -1 if there is no such bits after startIndex.

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actual fun or(another: BitSet)

Performs a logical or operation over corresponding bits of this and another BitSets. The result is saved in this BitSet.

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fun previousBit(startIndex: Int, lookFor: Boolean): Int

Returns the biggest index of a bit which value is lookFor before startIndex (inclusive). Returns -1 if there is no such bits before startIndex. If startIndex>= size returns -1

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fun previousClearBit(startIndex: Int): Int

Returns the biggest index of a bit which value is false before startIndex (inclusive). Returns -1 if there is no such bits before startIndex or if startIndex == -1. If startIndex>= size will return startIndex assuming that the set has an infinite sequence of false bits after (size - 1)-th.

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fun previousSetBit(startIndex: Int): Int

Returns the biggest index of a bit which value is true before startIndex (inclusive). Returns -1 if there is no such bits before startIndex or if startIndex == -1. If startIndex>= size will search from (size - 1)-th bit.

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actual fun set(index: Int, value: Boolean = true)

Set the bit specified to the specified value.

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actual fun set(range: IntRange, value: Boolean = true)

Sets the bits from the range specified to the specified value.

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actual fun set(from: Int, to: Int, value: Boolean = true)

Sets the bits with indices between from (inclusive) and to (exclusive) to the specified value.

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open override fun toString(): String
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actual fun xor(another: BitSet)

Performs a logical xor operation over corresponding bits of this and another BitSets. The result is saved in this BitSet.

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