All Types
Provides a skeletal implementation of the read-only Collection interface.
Base class for CoroutineContext.Element implementations.
Base class for CoroutineContext.Key associated with polymorphic CoroutineContext.Element implementation. Polymorphic element implementation implies delegating its get and minusKey to getPolymorphicElement and minusPolymorphicKey respectively.
A base class to simplify implementing iterators so that implementations only have to implement computeNext to implement the iterator, calling done when the iteration is complete.
Provides a skeletal implementation of the read-only List interface.
Provides a skeletal implementation of the read-only Map interface.
Provides a skeletal implementation of the MutableCollection interface.
Provides a skeletal implementation of the MutableList interface.
Provides a skeletal implementation of the MutableMap interface.
Provides a skeletal implementation of the MutableSet interface.
Provides a skeletal implementation of the read-only Set interface.
Exposes the JavaScript AbstractWorker to Kotlin
Base interface implicitly implemented by all annotation interfaces. See Kotlin language documentation for more information on annotations.
The root of the Kotlin class hierarchy. Every Kotlin class has Any as a superclass.
A generic array of objects. When targeting the JVM, instances of this class are represented as T[]
. Array instances can be created using the arrayOf, arrayOfNulls and emptyArray standard library functions.
A generic array of objects. When targeting the JVM, instances of this class are represented as T[]
. Array instances can be created using the arrayOf, arrayOfNulls and emptyArray standard library functions.
Exposes the JavaScript ArrayBuffer to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript ArrayBufferView to Kotlin
Provides a MutableList implementation, which uses a resizable array as its backing storage.
An Array
An Int value that is always updated atomically. For additional details about atomicity guarantees for reads and writes see kotlin.concurrent.Volatile.
An Int value that is always updated atomically. For additional details about atomicity guarantees for reads and writes see kotlin.concurrent.Volatile.
An IntArray in which elements are always updated atomically. For additional details about atomicity guarantees for reads and writes see kotlin.concurrent.Volatile.
A Long value that is always updated atomically. For additional details about atomicity guarantees for reads and writes see kotlin.concurrent.Volatile.
A Long value that is always updated atomically. For additional details about atomicity guarantees for reads and writes see kotlin.concurrent.Volatile.
An LongArray in which elements are always updated atomically. For additional details about atomicity guarantees for reads and writes see kotlin.concurrent.Volatile.
A kotlinx.cinterop.NativePtr value that is always updated atomically. For additional details about atomicity guarantees for reads and writes see kotlin.concurrent.Volatile.
A kotlinx.cinterop.NativePtr value that is always updated atomically. For additional details about atomicity guarantees for reads and writes see kotlin.concurrent.Volatile.
Exposes the JavaScript Attr to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript AudioTrack to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript AudioTrackList to Kotlin
Provides Base64 encoding and decoding functionality. Base64 encoding, as defined by the RFC 4648
and a few other RFCs, transforms arbitrary binary data into a sequence of printable characters.
Exposes the JavaScript BeforeUnloadEvent to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript Blob to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript Body to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript BroadcastChannel to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript Cache to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript CacheStorage to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript CanvasGradient to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript CanvasPattern to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript CanvasRenderingContext2D to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript CaretPosition to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript CDATASection to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript CharacterData to Kotlin
Represents a readable sequence of Char values.
Constant definitions for the standard charsets. These charsets are guaranteed to be available on every implementation of the Java platform.
Exposes the JavaScript ChildNode to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript Client to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript Clients to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript Clipboard to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript ClipboardEvent to Kotlin
Represents a range of floating point numbers. Extends ClosedRange interface providing custom operation lessThanOrEquals for comparing values of range domain type.
Represents a range of values (for example, numbers or characters) where both the lower and upper bounds are included in the range. See the Kotlin language documentation for more information.
Exposes the JavaScript CloseEvent to Kotlin
A generic collection of elements. Methods in this interface support only read-only access to the collection; read/write access is supported through the MutableCollection interface.
Exposes the JavaScript Comment to Kotlin
A TimeMark that can be compared for difference with other time marks obtained from the same TimeSource.WithComparableMarks time source.
Provides a comparison function for imposing a total ordering between instances of the type T.
Exposes the JavaScript CompositionEvent to Kotlin
Exposes the console API to Kotlin.
Exposes the JavaScript ConstrainBooleanParameters to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript ConstrainDOMStringParameters to Kotlin
Marks coroutine context element that intercepts coroutine continuations. The coroutines framework uses ContinuationInterceptor.Key to retrieve the interceptor and intercepts all coroutine continuations with interceptContinuation invocations.
Provides a scope, where the functions of the contract DSL, such as returns, callsInPlace, etc., can be used to describe the contract of a function.
The CPointed without any specified interpretation.
The variable containing a COpaquePointer.
Context for the copyAction
function passed to Path.copyToRecursively.
The result of the copyAction
function passed to Path.copyToRecursively that specifies further actions when copying an entry.
Exposes the JavaScript CSS to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript CSSGroupingRule to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript CSSMediaRule to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript CSSNamespaceRule to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript CSSPageRule to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript CSSRule to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript CSSRuleList to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript CSSStyleDeclaration to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript CSSStyleRule to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript CSSStyleSheet to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript CustomElementRegistry to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript CustomEvent to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript DataTransfer to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript DataTransferItem to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript DataTransferItemList to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript DataView to Kotlin
Exposes the Date API to Kotlin.
Exposes the JavaScript DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope to Kotlin
Defines deep recursive function that keeps its stack on the heap, which allows very deep recursive computations that do not use the actual call stack. To initiate a call to this deep recursive function use its invoke function. As a rule of thumb, it should be used if recursion goes deeper than a thousand calls.
A scope class for DeepRecursiveFunction function declaration that defines callRecursive methods to recursively call this function or another DeepRecursiveFunction putting the call activation frame on the heap.
Marks the annotated declaration as deprecated. In contrast to Deprecated, severity of the reported diagnostic is not a constant value, but differs depending on the API version of the usage (the value of the -api-version
argument when compiling the module where the usage is located). If the API version is greater or equal than hiddenSince, the declaration will not be accessible from the code (as if it was deprecated with level DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN), otherwise if the API version is greater or equal than errorSince, the usage will be marked as an error (as with DeprecationLevel.ERROR), otherwise if the API version is greater or equal than warningSince, the usage will be marked as a warning (as with DeprecationLevel.WARNING), otherwise the annotation is ignored.
Detached object graph encapsulates transferrable detached subgraph which cannot be accessed externally, until it is attached with the attach extension function.
Exposes the JavaScript Document to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript DocumentFragment to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript DocumentOrShadowRoot to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript DocumentType to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript DOMImplementation to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript DOMMatrix to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript DOMMatrixReadOnly to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript DOMParser to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript DOMPoint to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript DOMPointInit to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript DOMPointReadOnly to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript DOMQuad to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript DOMRect to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript DOMRectReadOnly to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript DOMStringMap to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript DOMTokenList to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript DoubleRange to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript DragEvent to Kotlin
Forces a top-level property to be initialized eagerly, opposed to lazily on the first access to file and/or property. This annotation can be used as temporal migration assistance during the transition from the previous Kotlin/Native initialization scheme "eager by default" to the new one, "lazy by default".
Exposes the JavaScript Element to Kotlin
The common base class of all enum classes. See the Kotlin language documentation for more information on enum classes.
The common base class of all enum classes. See the Kotlin language documentation for more information on enum classes.
A specialized immutable implementation of List interface that contains all enum entries of the specified enum type E. EnumEntries contains all enum entries in the order they are declared in the source code, consistently with the corresponding Enum.ordinal values.
Exposes the JavaScript ErrorEvent to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript Event to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript EventListener to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript EventSource to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript EventTarget to Kotlin
Marks experimental JsFileName annotation.
This annotation marks the experimental Kotlin/JS reflection API that allows to create an instance of provided KClass The API can be removed completely in any further release.
This annotation marks the Kotlin/Native-only standard library API that is considered experimental and is not subject to the general compatibility guarantees given for the standard library: the behavior of such API may be changed or the API may be removed completely in any further release.
This annotation marks the experimental ObjCName annotation.
This annotation marks the extensions and top-level functions for working with java.nio.file.Path considered experimental.
This annotation marks the standard library API that is considered experimental and is not subject to the general compatibility guarantees given for the standard library: the behavior of such API may be changed or the API may be removed completely in any further release.
This annotation marks the experimental preview of the language feature SubclassOptInRequired.
Exposes the JavaScript ExtendableEvent to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript ExtendableMessageEvent to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript FetchEvent to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript File to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript FileList to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript FileReader to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript FileReaderSync to Kotlin
The builder to provide implementation of the FileVisitor that fileVisitor function builds.
Exposes the JavaScript Float32Array to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript Float64Array to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript FocusEvent to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript FormData to Kotlin
This class was useful only with legacy memory manager. Please use AtomicReference instead.
Exposes the JavaScript GeometryUtils to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript GlobalEventHandlers to Kotlin
Represents a source of elements with a keyOf function, which can be applied to each element to get its key.
Exposes the JavaScript HashChangeEvent to Kotlin
Hash table based implementation of the MutableMap interface.
The implementation of the MutableSet interface, backed by a InternalMap implementation.
Exposes the JavaScript Headers to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript History to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLAnchorElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLAreaElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLAudioElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLBaseElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLBodyElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLBRElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLButtonElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLCanvasElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLCollection to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLDataElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLDataListElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLDetailsElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLDialogElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLDivElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLDListElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLEmbedElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLFieldSetElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLFontElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLFormControlsCollection to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLFormElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLFrameSetElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLHeadElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLHeadingElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLHRElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLHtmlElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLIFrameElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLImageElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLInputElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLKeygenElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLLabelElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLLegendElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLLIElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLLinkElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLMapElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLMarqueeElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLMediaElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLMetaElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLMeterElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLModElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLObjectElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLOListElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLOptGroupElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLOptionElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLOptionsCollection to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLOutputElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLParagraphElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLParamElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLPictureElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLPreElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLProgressElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLQuoteElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLScriptElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLSelectElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLSlotElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLSourceElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLSpanElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLStyleElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLTableCaptionElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLTableCellElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLTableColElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLTableElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLTableRowElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLTableSectionElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLTemplateElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLTextAreaElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLTimeElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLTitleElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLTrackElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLUListElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLUnknownElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript HTMLVideoElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript Image to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript ImageBitmap to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript ImageBitmapRenderingContext to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript ImageData to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript InputEvent to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript InstallEvent to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript Int16Array to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript Int32Array to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript Int8Array to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript Array to Kotlin.
Implements annotated function in JavaScript and automatically imports is to Wasm. code string must contain JS expression that evaluates to JS function with signature that matches annotated kotlin function
Exposes the JavaScript Map to Kotlin.
Exposes the JavaScript JSON object to Kotlin.
Exposes the TypeScript ReadonlyArray to Kotlin.
Exposes the TypeScript ReadonlyMap to Kotlin.
Exposes the TypeScript ReadonlySet to Kotlin.
Exposes the JavaScript Set to Kotlin.
Forces the compiler to generate compatibility accessors for the annotated interface in the DefaultImpls
class. Please note that if an interface is annotated with this annotation for binary compatibility, public derived Kotlin interfaces should also be annotated with it, because their DefaultImpls
methods will be used to access implementations from the DefaultImpls
class of the original interface.
Prevents the compiler from generating compatibility accessors for the annotated class or interface, and suppresses any related compatibility warnings. In other words, this annotation makes the compiler generate the annotated class or interface in the -Xjvm-default=all
mode, where only JVM default methods are generated, without DefaultImpls
Instructs the Kotlin compiler to generate a multifile class with top-level functions and properties declared in this file as one of its parts. Name of the corresponding multifile class is provided by the JvmName annotation.
Represents an annotated element and allows to obtain its annotations. See the Kotlin language documentation for more information.
Represents an annotated element and allows to obtain its annotations. See the Kotlin language documentation for more information.
Represents a class and provides introspection capabilities. Instances of this class are obtainable by the ::class
syntax. See the Kotlin language documentation for more information.
Exposes the JavaScript KeyboardEvent to Kotlin
Represents a declaration of a type parameter of a class or a callable. See the Kotlin language documentation for more information.
Specifies how a Lazy instance synchronizes initialization and publication among multiple threads. On platforms with no notion of synchronization and threads (JS and WASM), all modes are considered equal to the default implementation.
Hash table based implementation of the MutableMap interface, which additionally preserves the insertion order of entries during the iteration.
The implementation of the MutableSet interface, backed by a InternalMap implementation.
Exposes the JavaScript LinkStyle to Kotlin
A generic ordered collection of elements. Methods in this interface support only read-only access to the list; read/write access is supported through the MutableList interface.
Exposes the JavaScript Location to Kotlin
A collection that holds pairs of objects (keys and values) and supports efficiently retrieving the value corresponding to each key. Map keys are unique; the map holds only one value for each key. Methods in this interface support only read-only access to the map; read-write access is supported through the MutableMap interface.
Represents the results from a single capturing group within a MatchResult of Regex.
Extends MatchGroupCollection by introducing a way to get matched groups by name, when regex supports it.
Exposes the JavaScript MediaDeviceInfo to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript MediaDevices to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript MediaError to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript MediaKeyMessageEvent to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript MediaKeys to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript MediaKeySession to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript MediaKeyStatusMap to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript MediaKeySystemAccess to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript MediaKeySystemConfiguration to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript MediaQueryList to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript MediaQueryListEvent to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript MediaSource to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript MediaStream to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript MediaStreamConstraints to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript MediaStreamTrack to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript MediaStreamTrackEvent to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript MediaTrackConstraints to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript MediaTrackSettings to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript MediaTrackSupportedConstraints to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript MessageChannel to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript MessageEvent to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript MessagePort to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript MimeType to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript MimeTypeArray to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript MouseEvent to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript MutationObserver to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript MutationObserverInit to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript MutationRecord to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript NamedNodeMap to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript Navigator to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript NavigatorConcurrentHardware to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript NavigatorID to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript NavigatorLanguage to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript NavigatorOnLine to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript NavigatorPlugins to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript Node to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript NodeFilter to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript NodeIterator to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript NodeList to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript NonDocumentTypeChildNode to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript Notification to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript NotificationEvent to Kotlin
The result of the onError
function passed to Path.copyToRecursively that specifies further actions when an exception occurs.
Represents a range of values (for example, numbers or characters) where the upper bound is not included in the range. See the Kotlin language documentation for more information.
Allows to use the API denoted by the given markers in the annotated file, declaration, or expression. If a declaration is annotated with OptIn, its usages are not required to opt in to that API.
Exposes the JavaScript Option to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript PageTransitionEvent to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript ParentNode to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript Path2D to Kotlin
An enumeration to provide walk options for the Path.walk function. The options can be combined to form the desired walk order and behavior.
Exposes the JavaScript Performance to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript PerformanceNavigation to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript PerformanceTiming to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript Plugin to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript PluginArray to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript PointerEvent to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript PopStateEvent to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript ProcessingInstruction to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript ProgressEvent to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript Promise object to Kotlin.
Exposes the JavaScript Promise object to Kotlin.
Exposes the JavaScript PromiseRejectionEvent to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript RadioNodeList to Kotlin
Marker interface indicating that the List implementation supports fast indexed access.
Exposes the JavaScript Range to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript RegExp object to Kotlin.
Represents the return value of RegExp.exec.
Exposes the JavaScript Request to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript Response to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript Screen to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript ScrollToOptions to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript ServiceWorker to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript ServiceWorkerContainer to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript ServiceWorkerGlobalScope to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript ServiceWorkerMessageEvent to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript ServiceWorkerRegistration to Kotlin
A generic unordered collection of elements that does not support duplicate elements. Methods in this interface support only read-only access to the set; read/write access is supported through the MutableSet interface.
Exposes the JavaScript ShadowRoot to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SharedWorker to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SharedWorkerGlobalScope to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript Slotable to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SourceBuffer to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SourceBufferList to Kotlin
This class provides a way to create a stable handle to any Kotlin object. After converting to CPointer it can be safely passed to native code e.g. to be received in a Kotlin callback.
Exposes the JavaScript Storage to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript StorageEvent to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript StyleSheet to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript StyleSheetList to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGAElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGAngle to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGAnimatedAngle to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGAnimatedBoolean to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGAnimatedEnumeration to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGAnimatedInteger to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGAnimatedLength to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGAnimatedLengthList to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGAnimatedNumber to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGAnimatedNumberList to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGAnimatedPoints to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGAnimatedRect to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGAnimatedString to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGAnimatedTransformList to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGCircleElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGClipPathElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGCursorElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGDefsElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGDescElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGEllipseElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGForeignObjectElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGGElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGGeometryElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGGradientElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGGraphicsElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGImageElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGLength to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGLengthList to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGLinearGradientElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGLineElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGMaskElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGMeshElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGMetadataElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGNumber to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGNumberList to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGPathElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGPatternElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGPolygonElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGPolylineElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGPreserveAspectRatio to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGRadialGradientElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGRectElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGScriptElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGSolidcolorElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGStopElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGStringList to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGStyleElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGSVGElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGSwitchElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGSymbolElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGTests to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGTextContentElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGTextElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGTextPathElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGTextPositioningElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGTitleElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGTransform to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGTransformList to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGTSpanElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGUnitTypes to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGURIReference to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGUseElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGViewElement to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript SVGZoomAndPan to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript Text to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript TextMetrics to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript TextTrack to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript TextTrackCue to Kotlin
Represents a time point notched on a particular TimeSource. Remains bound to the time source it was taken from and allows querying for the duration of time elapsed from that point (see the function elapsedNow).
Exposes the JavaScript TimeRanges to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript Touch to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript TrackEvent to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript TreeWalker to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript UIEvent to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript Uint16Array to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript Uint32Array to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript Uint8Array to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript Uint8ClampedArray to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript URL to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript URLSearchParams to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript ValidityState to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript VideoTrack to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript VideoTrackList to Kotlin
Marks the JVM backing field of the annotated var
property as volatile
, meaning that reads and writes to this field are atomic and writes are always made visible to other threads. If another thread reads the value of this field (e.g. through its accessor), it sees not only that value, but all side effects that led to writing that value.
Marks the backing field of the annotated var
property as volatile
, meaning that reads and writes to this field are atomic and writes are always made visible to other threads. If another thread reads the value of this field (e.g. through its accessor), it sees not only that value, but all side effects that led to writing that value.
Exposes the JavaScript WebGLActiveInfo to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript WebGLBuffer to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript WebGLContextEvent to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript WebGLFramebuffer to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript WebGLProgram to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript WebGLRenderbuffer to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript WebGLRenderingContext to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript WebGLShader to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript WebGLTexture to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript WebGLUniformLocation to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript WebSocket to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript WheelEvent to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript Window to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript WindowClient to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript WindowEventHandlers to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript WindowLocalStorage to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript WindowSessionStorage to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript Worker to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript WorkerGlobalScope to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript WorkerLocation to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript WorkerNavigator to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript XMLDocument to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript XMLHttpRequest to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript XMLHttpRequestEventTarget to Kotlin
Exposes the JavaScript XMLSerializer to Kotlin