
fun <T, A : Appendable> Array<out T>.joinTo(    buffer: A,     separator: CharSequence = ", ",     prefix: CharSequence = "",     postfix: CharSequence = "",     limit: Int = -1,     truncated: CharSequence = "...",     transform: (T) -> CharSequence? = null): A(source)
fun <A : Appendable> ByteArray.joinTo(    buffer: A,     separator: CharSequence = ", ",     prefix: CharSequence = "",     postfix: CharSequence = "",     limit: Int = -1,     truncated: CharSequence = "...",     transform: (Byte) -> CharSequence? = null): A(source)
fun <A : Appendable> ShortArray.joinTo(    buffer: A,     separator: CharSequence = ", ",     prefix: CharSequence = "",     postfix: CharSequence = "",     limit: Int = -1,     truncated: CharSequence = "...",     transform: (Short) -> CharSequence? = null): A(source)
fun <A : Appendable> IntArray.joinTo(    buffer: A,     separator: CharSequence = ", ",     prefix: CharSequence = "",     postfix: CharSequence = "",     limit: Int = -1,     truncated: CharSequence = "...",     transform: (Int) -> CharSequence? = null): A(source)
fun <A : Appendable> LongArray.joinTo(    buffer: A,     separator: CharSequence = ", ",     prefix: CharSequence = "",     postfix: CharSequence = "",     limit: Int = -1,     truncated: CharSequence = "...",     transform: (Long) -> CharSequence? = null): A(source)
fun <A : Appendable> FloatArray.joinTo(    buffer: A,     separator: CharSequence = ", ",     prefix: CharSequence = "",     postfix: CharSequence = "",     limit: Int = -1,     truncated: CharSequence = "...",     transform: (Float) -> CharSequence? = null): A(source)
fun <A : Appendable> DoubleArray.joinTo(    buffer: A,     separator: CharSequence = ", ",     prefix: CharSequence = "",     postfix: CharSequence = "",     limit: Int = -1,     truncated: CharSequence = "...",     transform: (Double) -> CharSequence? = null): A(source)
fun <A : Appendable> BooleanArray.joinTo(    buffer: A,     separator: CharSequence = ", ",     prefix: CharSequence = "",     postfix: CharSequence = "",     limit: Int = -1,     truncated: CharSequence = "...",     transform: (Boolean) -> CharSequence? = null): A(source)
fun <A : Appendable> CharArray.joinTo(    buffer: A,     separator: CharSequence = ", ",     prefix: CharSequence = "",     postfix: CharSequence = "",     limit: Int = -1,     truncated: CharSequence = "...",     transform: (Char) -> CharSequence? = null): A(source)
fun <T, A : Appendable> Iterable<T>.joinTo(    buffer: A,     separator: CharSequence = ", ",     prefix: CharSequence = "",     postfix: CharSequence = "",     limit: Int = -1,     truncated: CharSequence = "...",     transform: (T) -> CharSequence? = null): A(source)

Appends the string from all the elements separated using separator and using the given prefix and postfix if supplied.

If the collection could be huge, you can specify a non-negative value of limit, in which case only the first limit elements will be appended, followed by the truncated string (which defaults to "...").

Since Kotlin



import kotlin.math.*
import kotlin.test.*

fun main() { 
   val sb = StringBuilder("An existing string and a list: ")
val numbers = listOf(1, 2, 3)
println(numbers.joinTo(sb, prefix = "[", postfix = "]").toString()) // An existing string and a list: [1, 2, 3]

val lotOfNumbers: Iterable<Int> = 1..100
val firstNumbers = StringBuilder("First five numbers: ")
println(lotOfNumbers.joinTo(firstNumbers, limit = 5).toString()) // First five numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... 