
value class Pointer(val address: UInt)(source)

Linear memory pointer type. Corresponds to i32 type on 32-bit Wasm architecture.

Since Kotlin

value class Pointer(val address: UInt)(source)

Linear memory pointer type. Corresponds to i32 type on 32-bit Wasm architecture.

Since Kotlin



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constructor(address: UInt)
constructor(address: UInt)


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Since Kotlin 1.8
Since Kotlin 1.8


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fun loadByte(): Byte

Load a Byte (8 bit) value

Since Kotlin 1.8
fun loadByte(): Byte

Load a Byte (8 bit) value

Since Kotlin 1.8
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fun loadInt(): Int

Load an Int (32 bit) value

Since Kotlin 1.8
fun loadInt(): Int

Load an Int (32 bit) value

Since Kotlin 1.8
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fun loadLong(): Long

Load a Long (64 bit) value

Since Kotlin 1.8
fun loadLong(): Long

Load a Long (64 bit) value

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Load a Short (16 bit) value

Since Kotlin 1.8

Load a Short (16 bit) value

Since Kotlin 1.8
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operator fun minus(other: Int): Pointer

Subtracts an Int from the address of this Pointer

Since Kotlin 1.8
operator fun minus(other: UInt): Pointer

Subtracts an UInt from the address of this Pointer

Since Kotlin 1.8
operator fun minus(other: Int): Pointer

Subtracts an Int from the address of this Pointer

Since Kotlin 1.8
operator fun minus(other: UInt): Pointer

Subtracts an UInt from the address of this Pointer

Since Kotlin 1.8
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operator fun plus(other: Int): Pointer

Adds an Int to the address of this Pointer

Since Kotlin 1.8
operator fun plus(other: UInt): Pointer

Adds an UInt to the address of this Pointer

Since Kotlin 1.8
operator fun plus(other: Int): Pointer

Adds an Int to the address of this Pointer

Since Kotlin 1.8
operator fun plus(other: UInt): Pointer

Adds an UInt to the address of this Pointer

Since Kotlin 1.8
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fun storeByte(value: Byte)

Store a Byte (8 bit) value

Since Kotlin 1.8
fun storeByte(value: Byte)

Store a Byte (8 bit) value

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fun storeInt(value: Int)

Store an Int (32 bit) value

Since Kotlin 1.8
fun storeInt(value: Int)

Store an Int (32 bit) value

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fun storeLong(value: Long)

Store a Long (64 bit) value

Since Kotlin 1.8
fun storeLong(value: Long)

Store a Long (64 bit) value

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fun storeShort(value: Short)

Store a Short (16 bit) value

Since Kotlin 1.8
fun storeShort(value: Short)

Store a Short (16 bit) value

Since Kotlin 1.8