The Clock instance that queries the platform-specific system clock as its source of time knowledge.
Successive calls to now will not necessarily return increasing Instant values, and when they do, these increases will not necessarily correspond to the elapsed time.
For example, when using Clock.System, the following could happen:
now returns
.The system queries the Internet and recognizes that its clock needs adjusting.
now returns
When you need predictable intervals between successive measurements, consider using TimeSource.Monotonic.
For improved testability, you should avoid using Clock.System directly in the implementation and pass a Clock explicitly instead. For example:
Since Kotlin
import kotlin.time.*
fun main() {
// The current instant according to the system clock.
val currentInstant =
// The number of whole milliseconds that have passed since the Unix epoch.
import kotlin.time.*
fun main() {
fun formatCurrentTime(clock: Clock): String =
// In the production code:
val currentTimeInProduction = formatCurrentTime(Clock.System)
// Testing this value is tricky because it changes all the time.
// In the test code:
val testClock = object : Clock {
override fun now(): Instant = Instant.parse("2023-01-02T22:35:01Z")
// Then, one can write a completely deterministic test:
val currentTimeForTests = formatCurrentTime(testClock)
println(currentTimeForTests) // 2023-01-02T22:35:01Z