
inline fun <S, T : S> Array<out T>.reduceRight(operation: (T, acc: S) -> S): S(source)
inline fun ByteArray.reduceRight(operation: (Byte, acc: Byte) -> Byte): Byte(source)
inline fun ShortArray.reduceRight(operation: (Short, acc: Short) -> Short): Short(source)
inline fun IntArray.reduceRight(operation: (Int, acc: Int) -> Int): Int(source)
inline fun LongArray.reduceRight(operation: (Long, acc: Long) -> Long): Long(source)
inline fun FloatArray.reduceRight(operation: (Float, acc: Float) -> Float): Float(source)
inline fun DoubleArray.reduceRight(operation: (Double, acc: Double) -> Double): Double(source)
inline fun BooleanArray.reduceRight(operation: (Boolean, acc: Boolean) -> Boolean): Boolean(source)
inline fun CharArray.reduceRight(operation: (Char, acc: Char) -> Char): Char(source)

Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying operation from right to left to each element and current accumulator value.

Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way, please use reduceRightOrNull instead. It returns null when its receiver is empty.

Since Kotlin




function that takes an element and current accumulator value, and calculates the next accumulator value.


import kotlin.math.*
import kotlin.test.*

fun main() { 
   val strings = listOf("a", "b", "c", "d")
println(strings.reduceRight { string, acc -> acc + string }) // dcba
println(strings.reduceRightIndexed { index, string, acc -> acc + string + index }) // dc2b1a0

// emptyList<Int>().reduceRight { _, _ -> 0 } // will fail 

inline fun <S, T : S> List<T>.reduceRight(operation: (T, acc: S) -> S): S(source)

Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying operation from right to left to each element and current accumulator value.

Throws an exception if this list is empty. If the list can be empty in an expected way, please use reduceRightOrNull instead. It returns null when its receiver is empty.

Since Kotlin




function that takes an element and current accumulator value, and calculates the next accumulator value.


import kotlin.math.*
import kotlin.test.*

fun main() { 
   val strings = listOf("a", "b", "c", "d")
println(strings.reduceRight { string, acc -> acc + string }) // dcba
println(strings.reduceRightIndexed { index, string, acc -> acc + string + index }) // dc2b1a0

// emptyList<Int>().reduceRight { _, _ -> 0 } // will fail 

Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying operation from right to left to each element and current accumulator value.

Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way, please use reduceRightOrNull instead. It returns null when its receiver is empty.

Since Kotlin




function that takes an element and current accumulator value, and calculates the next accumulator value.


import kotlin.math.*
import kotlin.test.*

fun main() { 
   val strings = listOf("a", "b", "c", "d")
println(strings.reduceRight { string, acc -> acc + string }) // dcba
println(strings.reduceRightIndexed { index, string, acc -> acc + string + index }) // dc2b1a0

// emptyList<Int>().reduceRight { _, _ -> 0 } // will fail 