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A Comparator that lexically orders uuids.

Since Kotlin 2.0
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val NIL: Uuid

The uuid with all bits set to zero.

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const val SIZE_BITS: Int = 128

The number of bits used to represent an instance of Uuid in a binary form.

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const val SIZE_BYTES: Int = 16

The number of bytes used to represent an instance of Uuid in a binary form.

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fun fromByteArray(byteArray: ByteArray): Uuid

Creates a uuid from a byte array containing 128 bits split into 16 bytes.

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fun fromLongs(mostSignificantBits: Long, leastSignificantBits: Long): Uuid

Creates a uuid from specified 128 bits split into two 64-bit Longs.

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fun fromULongs(mostSignificantBits: ULong, leastSignificantBits: ULong): Uuid

Creates a uuid from specified 128 bits split into two 64-bit ULongs.

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fun parse(uuidString: String): Uuid

Parses a uuid from the standard string representation as described in Uuid.toString.

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fun parseHex(hexString: String): Uuid

Parses a uuid from the hexadecimal string representation as described in Uuid.toHexString.

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fun random(): Uuid

Generates a new random Uuid instance.

Since Kotlin 2.0