Package-level declarations

Functions and other APIs specific to the JavaScript platform.

Functions and other APIs specific to the JavaScript platform.

Functions and other APIs specific to the JavaScript platform.


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external interface Console

Exposes the console API to Kotlin.

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external class Date

Exposes the Date API to Kotlin.

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external interface Dynamic : JsAny

Represents universal type for JS interoperability.

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Forces a top-level property to be initialized eagerly, opposed to lazily on the first access to file and/or property.

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This annotation marks the experimental JS-collections API that allows to manipulate with native JS-collections The API can be removed completely in any further release.

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annotation class ExperimentalJsExport

Marks experimental JS export annotations.

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annotation class ExperimentalJsFileName

Marks experimental JsFileName annotation.

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This annotation marks the experimental Kotlin/JS reflection API that allows to create an instance of provided KClass The API can be removed completely in any further release.

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annotation class ExperimentalJsStatic

Marks the experimental JsStatic annotation.

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external interface JsAny

Any JavaScript value except null or undefined

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external class JsArray<T : JsAny?> : JsAny

JavaScript Array

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external class JsBigInt : JsAny

JavaScript primitive bigint

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external class JsBoolean : JsAny

JavaScript primitive boolean

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external interface JsClass<T : Any>

Represents the constructor of a class. Instances of JsClass can be passed to JavaScript APIs that expect a constructor reference.

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A wrapper for an exception thrown by a JavaScript code. All exceptions thrown by JS code are signalled to Wasm code as JsException.

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Exports top-level declaration on JS platform.

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Exports top-level declaration on JS platform.

Since Kotlin 1.3
actual annotation class JsExport

Exports top-level declaration on JS platform.

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When placed on a function parameter, requires the type of the passed argument to be external.

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When placed on an external interface or class, requires all its child interfaces, classes, and objects to be external as well.

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expect annotation class JsFileName(val name: String)

Specifies the name of the compiled file produced from the annotated source file instead of the default one.

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FILE])
actual annotation class JsFileName(val name: String)

Specifies the name of the compiled file produced from the annotated source file instead of the default one.

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Denotes an external declaration that must be imported from native JavaScript library.

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Denotes an external declaration that must be imported from JavaScript module.

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Gives a declaration (a function, a property or a class) specific name in JavaScript.

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Gives a declaration (a function, a property or a class) specific name in JavaScript.

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Specifies JavaScript name for external and imported declarations

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Denotes an external declaration that can be used without module system.

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external class JsNumber : JsAny

JavaScript primitive number

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external object JSON

Exposes the JavaScript JSON object to Kotlin.

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external interface Json

An interface for indexing access to a collection of key-value pairs, where type of key is String and type of value is Any?.

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FILE])
annotation class JsQualifier(val value: String)

Adds prefix to external declarations in a source file.

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FILE])
annotation class JsQualifier(val value: String)

Adds prefix to external declarations in a source file.

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sealed external interface JsReference<out T : Any> : JsAny

JavaScript value that can serve as a reference for any Kotlin value.

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Specifies that an additional static method is generated from the annotated companion object member if it's a function. If the member is a property, additional static getter/setter methods are generated.

Since Kotlin 2.0

Specifies that an additional static method is generated from the annotated companion object member if it's a function. If the member is a property, additional static getter/setter methods are generated.

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external class JsString : JsAny

JavaScript primitive string

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION])
annotation class nativeGetter
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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION])
annotation class nativeInvoke
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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION])
annotation class nativeSetter
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open external class Promise<out T>(executor: (resolve: (T) -> Unit, reject: (Throwable) -> Unit) -> Unit)

Exposes the JavaScript Promise object to Kotlin.

Since Kotlin 1.1
external class Promise<out T : JsAny?>(executor: (resolve: (T) -> Unit, reject: (JsAny) -> Unit) -> Unit) : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript Promise object to Kotlin.

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external class RegExp(pattern: String, flags: String? = definedExternally)

Exposes the JavaScript RegExp object to Kotlin.

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external interface RegExpMatch

Represents the return value of RegExp.exec.

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external val console: Console

Exposes the console API to Kotlin.

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The property that can be used as a placeholder for statements and values that are defined in JavaScript.

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The property that can be used as a placeholder for statements and values that are defined in JavaScript.

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val <T : Any> KClass<T>.js: JsClass<T>

Obtains a constructor reference for the given KClass.

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val <T : Any> JsClass<T>.kotlin: KClass<T>

Obtains a KClass instance for the given constructor reference.

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external val undefined: Nothing?

Exposes the JavaScript undefined property to Kotlin.

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fun Json.add(other: Json): Json

Adds key-value pairs from other to this. Returns the original receiver.

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inline fun RegExpMatch.asArray(): Array<out String?>

Converts the result of RegExp.exec to an array where the first element contains the entire matched text and each subsequent element is the text matched by each capturing parenthesis.

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inline fun Any?.asDynamic(): dynamic

Reinterprets this value as a value of the /docs/reference/dynamic-type.html.

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Reinterprets this value as a value of the Dynamic type.

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external fun eval(expr: String): dynamic

Exposes the JavaScript eval function to Kotlin.

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inline operator fun RegExpMatch.get(index: Int): String?

Returns the entire text matched by RegExp.exec if the index parameter is 0, or the text matched by the capturing parenthesis at the given index.

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fun <T : Any> JsReference<T>.get(): T

Retrieve original Kotlin value from JsReference

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operator fun <T : JsAny?> JsArray<T>.get(index: Int): T?
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operator fun dynamic.iterator(): Iterator<dynamic>

Allows to iterate this dynamic object in the following cases:

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external fun js(code: String): dynamic

Puts the given piece of a JavaScript code right into the calling function. The compiler replaces call to js(...) code with the string constant provided as a parameter.

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external fun js(code: String): Nothing

This function allows you to incorporate JavaScript code into Kotlin/Wasm codebase. It is used to implement top-level functions and initialize top-level properties.

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fun json(vararg pairs: Pair<String, Any?>): Json

Returns a simple JavaScript object (as Json) using provided key-value pairs as names and values of its properties.

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external fun jsTypeOf(a: Any?): String

Function corresponding to JavaScript's typeof operator

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external fun parseFloat(s: String, radix: Int = definedExternally): Double
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external fun parseInt(s: String): Int
external fun parseInt(s: String, radix: Int = definedExternally): Int
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Resets the regular expression so that subsequent RegExp.test and RegExp.exec calls will match starting with the beginning of the input string.

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operator fun <T : JsAny?> JsArray<T>.set(index: Int, value: T)
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inline fun <T, S> Promise<Promise<T>>.then(noinline onFulfilled: (T) -> S?): Promise<S>
inline fun <T, S> Promise<Promise<T>>.then(noinline onFulfilled: (T) -> S?, noinline onRejected: (Throwable) -> S?): Promise<S>
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fun <T : JsAny?> JsArray<T>.toArray(): Array<T>

Returns a new Array containing all the elements of this JsArray.

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fun <T : JsAny?> Array<T>.toJsArray(): JsArray<T>

Returns a new JsArray containing all the elements of this Array.

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fun <T : JsAny?> List<T>.toJsArray(): JsArray<T>

Returns a new JsArray containing all the elements of this List.

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fun <T : JsAny?> JsArray<T>.toList(): List<T>

Returns a new List containing all the elements of this JsArray.

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For a Dynamic value caught in JS, returns the corresponding Throwable if it was thrown from Kotlin, or null otherwise.

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inline fun <T> dynamic.unsafeCast(): T

Reinterprets this dynamic value as a value of the specified type T without any actual type checking.

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inline fun <T> Any?.unsafeCast(): T

Reinterprets this value as a value of the specified type T without any actual type checking.

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fun <T : JsAny> JsAny.unsafeCast(): T

Cast JsAny to other Js type without runtime check

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