Defines NumberHexFormat.minLength of the format being built, 1
by default.
The value must be positive.
Refer to NumberHexFormat.minLength for details about how the format option affects the formatting and parsing results.
Since Kotlin
if a non-positive value is assigned to this property.
import kotlin.test.*
fun main() {
// By default, minLength is 1 and removeLeadingZeros is false.
println(0x3a.toHexString()) // 0000003a
// Specifying a minLength shorter than the hex representation with removeLeadingZeros set to false.
println(0x3a.toHexString(HexFormat { number.minLength = 4 })) // 0000003a
// Specifying a minLength shorter than the hex representation with removeLeadingZeros set to true.
val shorterLengthFormat = HexFormat {
number.removeLeadingZeros = true
number.minLength = 4
println(0x3a.toHexString(shorterLengthFormat)) // 003a
println(0xff80ed.toHexString(shorterLengthFormat)) // ff80ed
// Specifying a minLength longer than the hex representation.
// removeLeadingZeros is ignored in this case.
val longerLengthFormat = HexFormat {
number.removeLeadingZeros = true
number.minLength = 12
println(0x3a.toHexString(longerLengthFormat)) // 00000000003a
// When parsing, minLength is ignored.
println("3a".hexToInt(longerLengthFormat)) // 58
// The number of hex digits can be greater than what can fit into the type.
println("00000000003a".hexToInt()) // 58
println("0000ffffffff".hexToInt()) // -1
// But excess leading digits must be zeros.
// "000100000000".hexToInt() // will fail with IllegalArgumentException