Package-level declarations

Kotlin JavaScript wrappers for the Web Notifications API.

Kotlin JavaScript wrappers for the Web Notifications API.


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external interface GetNotificationOptions
Since Kotlin 1.1
external interface GetNotificationOptions : JsAny
Since Kotlin 1.8
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open external class Notification(title: String, options: NotificationOptions = definedExternally) : EventTarget

Exposes the JavaScript Notification to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.1
open external class Notification(title: String, options: NotificationOptions = definedExternally) : EventTarget, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript Notification to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.8
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external interface NotificationAction
Since Kotlin 1.1
external interface NotificationAction : JsAny
Since Kotlin 1.8
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external interface NotificationDirection
Since Kotlin 1.1
external interface NotificationDirection : JsAny
Since Kotlin 1.8
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open external class NotificationEvent(type: String, eventInitDict: NotificationEventInit) : ExtendableEvent

Exposes the JavaScript NotificationEvent to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.1
open external class NotificationEvent(type: String, eventInitDict: NotificationEventInit) : ExtendableEvent, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript NotificationEvent to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.8
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Since Kotlin 1.1
Since Kotlin 1.8
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external interface NotificationOptions
Since Kotlin 1.1
external interface NotificationOptions : JsAny
Since Kotlin 1.8
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external interface NotificationPermission
Since Kotlin 1.1
external interface NotificationPermission : JsAny
Since Kotlin 1.8


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Since Kotlin 1.1
Since Kotlin 1.8
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inline fun NotificationAction(action: String?, title: String?, icon: String? = undefined): NotificationAction
Since Kotlin 1.1
fun NotificationAction(action: String?, title: String?, icon: String? = undefined): NotificationAction
Since Kotlin 1.8
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inline fun NotificationEventInit(    notification: Notification?,     action: String? = "",     bubbles: Boolean? = false,     cancelable: Boolean? = false,     composed: Boolean? = false): NotificationEventInit
Since Kotlin 1.1
fun NotificationEventInit(    notification: Notification?,     action: String? = "",     bubbles: Boolean? = false,     cancelable: Boolean? = false,     composed: Boolean? = false): NotificationEventInit
Since Kotlin 1.8
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inline fun NotificationOptions(    dir: NotificationDirection? = NotificationDirection.AUTO,     lang: String? = "",     body: String? = "",     tag: String? = "",     image: String? = undefined,     icon: String? = undefined,     badge: String? = undefined,     sound: String? = undefined,     vibrate: dynamic = undefined,     timestamp: Number? = undefined,     renotify: Boolean? = false,     silent: Boolean? = false,     noscreen: Boolean? = false,     requireInteraction: Boolean? = false,     sticky: Boolean? = false,     data: Any? = null,     actions: Array<NotificationAction>? = arrayOf()): NotificationOptions
Since Kotlin 1.1
fun NotificationOptions(    dir: NotificationDirection? = NotificationDirection.AUTO,     lang: String? = "",     body: String? = "",     tag: String? = "",     image: String? = undefined,     icon: String? = undefined,     badge: String? = undefined,     sound: String? = undefined,     vibrate: JsAny? = undefined,     timestamp: JsNumber? = undefined,     renotify: Boolean? = false,     silent: Boolean? = false,     noscreen: Boolean? = false,     requireInteraction: Boolean? = false,     sticky: Boolean? = false,     data: JsAny? = null,     actions: JsArray<NotificationAction>? = JsArray()): NotificationOptions
Since Kotlin 1.8