
inline fun measureNanoTime(block: () -> Unit): Long(source)

Executes the given block and returns elapsed time in nanoseconds.

Since Kotlin



import kotlin.system.*

fun main() { 
   var sqrt = 0
val number = 1000
val timeInNanos = measureNanoTime {
    while (sqrt * sqrt < number) sqrt++
println("(The operation took $timeInNanos ns)")
println("The approximate square root of $number is between ${sqrt - 1} and $sqrt") 
inline fun measureNanoTime(block: () -> Unit): Long(source)


Warning since 1.9

Use measureTime() instead.

Replace with

import kotlin.time.measureTime

Executes the given block and returns elapsed time in nanoseconds.

This function is deprecated. To measure the duration of execution of a block of code, use measureTime or measureTimedValue instead. The resulting Duration then can be expressed as a Long number of nanoseconds using Duration.inWholeNanoseconds.

Since Kotlin



import kotlin.system.*

fun main() { 
   var sqrt = 0
val number = 1000
val timeInNanos = measureNanoTime {
    while (sqrt * sqrt < number) sqrt++
println("(The operation took $timeInNanos ns)")
println("The approximate square root of $number is between ${sqrt - 1} and $sqrt") 