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Since Kotlin 1.1
Link copied to clipboard
Since Kotlin 1.1
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abstract fun createImageBitmap(image: ImageBitmapSource, options: ImageBitmapOptions = definedExternally): Promise<ImageBitmap>
abstract fun createImageBitmap( image: ImageBitmapSource, sx: Int, sy: Int, sw: Int, sh: Int, options: ImageBitmapOptions = definedExternally): Promise<ImageBitmap>
Since Kotlin 1.1
Link copied to clipboard
Since Kotlin 1.1
Link copied to clipboard
abstract fun setInterval(handler: dynamic, timeout: Int = definedExternally, vararg arguments: Any?): Int
Since Kotlin 1.1
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abstract fun setTimeout(handler: dynamic, timeout: Int = definedExternally, vararg arguments: Any?): Int
Since Kotlin 1.1