Combines this comparator and the given comparator such that the latter is applied only when the former considered values equal.
Combines this comparator and the given comparator such that the latter is applied only when the former considered values equal.
import kotlin.test.* fun main() { //sampleStart val list = listOf("A", "aa", "b", "bb", "a") val lengthThenCaseInsensitive = compareBy<String> { it.length } .then(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER) val sorted = list.sortedWith(lengthThenCaseInsensitive) println(sorted) // [A, a, b, aa, bb] //sampleEnd }
val list = listOf("A", "aa", "b", "bb", "a")
val lengthThenCaseInsensitive = compareBy<String> { it.length }
val sorted = list.sortedWith(lengthThenCaseInsensitive)
println(sorted) // [A, a, b, aa, bb]
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