
Clause for the select expression of the receive suspending function that selects with the element received from the channel.

The select invocation fails with an exception if the channel is closed for receive at any point, even if other select clauses could still work.


class ScreenSize(val width: Int, val height: Int)
class MouseClick(val x: Int, val y: Int)
val screenResizes = Channel<ScreenSize>(Channel.CONFLATED)
val mouseClicks = Channel<MouseClick>(Channel.CONFLATED)

launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
    while (true) {
        select {
            screenResizes.onReceive { newSize ->
                // update the UI to the new screen size
            mouseClicks.onReceive { click ->
                // react to a mouse click

Like receive, onReceive obeys the rules of prompt cancellation: select may finish with a CancellationException even if an element was successfully retrieved, in which case the onUndeliveredElement callback will be called.