
Returns a ListenableFuture that is completed or failed by this Deferred.

Completion is non-atomic between the two promises.

When either promise successfully completes, it will attempt to synchronously complete its counterpart with the same value. This will succeed barring a race with cancellation.

When either promise completes with an Exception, it will attempt to synchronously complete its counterpart with the same Exception. This will succeed barring a race with cancellation.

Cancellation is propagated bidirectionally.

When the returned Future is successfully cancelled - meaning Future.cancel returned true - Deferred.cancel will be synchronously called on this Deferred. This will attempt to cancel the Deferred, though cancellation may not succeed and the Deferred may complete in a non-cancelled terminal state.

When this Deferred reaches its "cancelled" state with a successful cancellation - meaning it completes with kotlinx.coroutines.CancellationException - this Deferred will synchronously cancel the returned Future. This can only race with cancellation of the returned Future, so the returned Future will always eventually reach its cancelled state when either promise is successfully cancelled, for their different meanings of "successfully cancelled".

This is inherently a race. See Future.cancel for a description of Future cancellation semantics. See Job for a description of coroutine cancellation semantics. See JobListenableFuture.cancel for greater detail on the overlapped cancellation semantics and corner cases of this method.