
Whether the operation succeeded.

If this returns true, the operation was successful. In this case, getOrNull and getOrThrow can be used to retrieve the value.

If this returns false, the operation failed. isClosed can be used to determine whether the operation failed because the channel was closed (and therefore retrying the operation is meaningless).

val result = channel.tryReceive()
if (result.isSuccess) {
   println("Successfully received the value ${result.getOrThrow()}")
} else {
   println("Failed to receive the value.")
   if (result.isClosed) {
       println("The channel is closed.")
       if (result.exceptionOrNull() != null) {
           println("The reason: ${result.exceptionOrNull()}")

isFailure is a shorthand for !isSuccess. getOrNull can simplify isSuccess followed by getOrThrow into just one check if T is known to be non-nullable.