kotlinx-coroutines-android
kotlinx.
coroutines.
android
as
Coroutine
Dispatcher()
await
Frame()
Handler
Dispatcher
kotlinx-coroutines-core
kotlinx.
coroutines
[js]as
Promise()
[js]promise()
[wasm
Js]as
Promise()
[wasm
Js]promise()
as
Context
Element()
as
Coroutine
Dispatcher()
as
Deferred()
as
Executor()
async()
await()
await
All()
await
Animation
Frame()
await
Cancellation()
cancel()
cancel
And
Join()
cancel
Children()
cancel
Future
On
Cancellation()
Cancellable
Continuation
Cancellation
Exception
Cancellation
Exception()
Closeable
Coroutine
Dispatcher
Completable
Deferred
Completable
Deferred()
Completable
Job
complete
With()
Completion
Handler
Copyable
Thread
Context
Element
Copyable
Throwable
Coroutine
Dispatcher
Coroutine
Exception
Handler
Key
Coroutine
Exception
Handler()
Coroutine
Name
Key
Coroutine
Scope
Coroutine
Scope()
coroutine
Scope()
Coroutine
Start
current
Coroutine
Context()
Deferred
delay()
Delicate
Coroutines
Api
Dispatchers
Disposable
Handle
ensure
Active()
ensure
Present()
Executor
Coroutine
Dispatcher
Experimental
Coroutines
Api
Experimental
For
Inheritance
Coroutines
Api
Flow
Preview
Global
Scope
Internal
Coroutines
Api
Internal
For
Inheritance
Coroutines
Api
invoke()
is
Active
is
Present()
Job
Key
job
Job()
join
All()
launch()
Main
Coroutine
Dispatcher
Main
Scope()
new
Coroutine
Context()
new
Fixed
Thread
Pool
Context()
new
Single
Thread
Context()
Non
Cancellable
Obsolete
Coroutines
Api
plus()
run
Blocking()
run
Interruptible()
Runnable
Supervisor
Job()
supervisor
Scope()
suspend
Cancellable
Coroutine()
Thread
Context
Element
Timeout
Cancellation
Exception
with
Context()
with
Timeout()
with
Timeout
Or
Null()
yield()
kotlinx.
coroutines.
channels
actor()
Actor
Scope
await
Close()
Buffer
Overflow
Channel
Factory
Channel()
Channel
Iterator
Channel
Result
Closed
Receive
Channel
Exception
Closed
Send
Channel
Exception
consume()
consume
Each()
get
Or
Else()
on
Closed()
on
Failure()
on
Success()
produce()
Producer
Scope
Receive
Channel
Send
Channel
ticker()
Ticker
Mode
to
List()
try
Send
Blocking()
kotlinx.
coroutines.
flow
Abstract
Flow
all()
any()
as
Flow()
as
Shared
Flow()
as
State
Flow()
buffer()
callback
Flow()
cancellable()
catch()
channel
Flow()
chunked()
collect()
collect
Indexed()
collect
Latest()
combine()
combine
Transform()
conflate()
consume
As
Flow()
count()
debounce()
distinct
Until
Changed()
distinct
Until
Changed
By()
drop()
drop
While()
emit
All()
empty
Flow()
filter()
filter
Is
Instance()
filter
Not()
filter
Not
Null()
first()
first
Or
Null()
flat
Map
Concat()
flat
Map
Latest()
flat
Map
Merge()
flatten
Concat()
flatten
Merge()
Flow
flow()
Flow
Collector
flow
Of()
flow
On()
fold()
get
And
Update()
last()
last
Or
Null()
launch
In()
map()
map
Latest()
map
Not
Null()
merge()
Mutable
Shared
Flow
Mutable
Shared
Flow()
Mutable
State
Flow
Mutable
State
Flow()
none()
on
Completion()
on
Each()
on
Empty()
on
Start()
on
Subscription()
produce
In()
receive
As
Flow()
reduce()
retry()
retry
When()
running
Fold()
running
Reduce()
sample()
scan()
Shared
Flow
share
In()
Sharing
Command
Sharing
Started
Companion
single()
single
Or
Null()
State
Flow
state
In()
take()
take
While()
timeout()
to
Collection()
to
List()
to
Set()
transform()
transform
Latest()
transform
While()
update()
update
And
Get()
While
Subscribed()
with
Index()
zip()
kotlinx.
coroutines.
future
as
Completable
Future()
as
Deferred()
await()
future()
kotlinx.
coroutines.
selects
on
Timeout()
select()
Select
Builder
Select
Clause0
Select
Clause1
Select
Clause2
select
Unbiased()
while
Select()
kotlinx.
coroutines.
stream
consume
As
Flow()
kotlinx.
coroutines.
sync
Mutex
Mutex()
Semaphore
Semaphore()
with
Lock()
with
Permit()
kotlinx.
coroutines.
time
debounce()
delay()
on
Timeout()
sample()
with
Timeout()
with
Timeout
Or
Null()
kotlinx-coroutines-debug
kotlinx.
coroutines.
debug
Coroutine
Info
Debug
Probes
State
kotlinx.
coroutines.
debug.
junit4
Coroutines
Timeout
Companion
kotlinx.
coroutines.
debug.
junit5
Coroutines
Timeout
kotlinx-coroutines-guava
kotlinx.
coroutines.
guava
as
Deferred()
as
Listenable
Future()
await()
future()
kotlinx-coroutines-javafx
kotlinx.
coroutines.
javafx
as
Flow()
await
Pulse()
Java
Fx
Java
Fx
Dispatcher
kotlinx-coroutines-jdk9
kotlinx.
coroutines.
jdk9
as
Flow()
as
Publisher()
await
First()
await
First
Or
Default()
await
First
Or
Else()
await
First
Or
Null()
await
Last()
await
Single()
collect()
flow
Publish()
kotlinx-coroutines-play-services
kotlinx.
coroutines.
tasks
as
Deferred()
as
Task()
await()
kotlinx-coroutines-reactive
kotlinx.
coroutines.
reactive
as
Flow()
as
Publisher()
await
First()
await
First
Or
Default()
await
First
Or
Else()
await
First
Or
Null()
await
Last()
await
Single()
collect()
publish()
kotlinx-coroutines-reactor
kotlinx.
coroutines.
reactor
as
Coroutine
Context()
as
Coroutine
Dispatcher()
as
Flux()
as
Mono()
await
Single()
await
Single
Or
Null()
flux()
mono()
Reactor
Context
Key
Scheduler
Coroutine
Dispatcher
kotlinx-coroutines-rx2
kotlinx.
coroutines.
rx2
as
Completable()
as
Coroutine
Dispatcher()
as
Flow()
as
Flowable()
as
Maybe()
as
Observable()
as
Scheduler()
as
Single()
await()
await
First()
await
First
Or
Default()
await
First
Or
Else()
await
First
Or
Null()
await
Last()
await
Single()
await
Single
Or
Null()
collect()
rx
Completable()
rx
Flowable()
rx
Maybe()
rx
Observable()
rx
Single()
Scheduler
Coroutine
Dispatcher
kotlinx-coroutines-rx3
kotlinx.
coroutines.
rx3
as
Completable()
as
Coroutine
Dispatcher()
as
Flow()
as
Flowable()
as
Maybe()
as
Observable()
as
Scheduler()
as
Single()
await()
await
First()
await
First
Or
Default()
await
First
Or
Else()
await
First
Or
Null()
await
Last()
await
Single()
await
Single
Or
Null()
collect()
rx
Completable()
rx
Flowable()
rx
Maybe()
rx
Observable()
rx
Single()
Scheduler
Coroutine
Dispatcher
kotlinx-coroutines-slf4j
kotlinx.
coroutines.
slf4j
MDCContext
Key
MDCContext
Map
kotlinx-coroutines-swing
kotlinx.
coroutines.
swing
Swing
Swing
Dispatcher
kotlinx-coroutines-test
kotlinx.
coroutines.
test
advance
Time
By()
advance
Until
Idle()
current
Time
reset
Main()
run
Blocking
Test()
run
Blocking
Test
On
Test
Scope()
run
Current()
run
Test()
run
Test
With
Legacy
Scope()
set
Main()
Standard
Test
Dispatcher()
Test
Coroutine
Scheduler
Test
Dispatcher
Test
Result
Test
Scope
Test
Scope()
test
Time
Source
Unconfined
Test
Dispatcher()