
A Properties instance that can be used as default and does not have any SerializersModule installed.


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Decodes properties from the given map to a value of type T using the given deserializer. T may contain properties of nullable types; they will be filled by non-null values from the map, if present.

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Decodes properties from given map, assigns them to an object using serializer for reified type T and returns this object. T may contain properties of nullable types; they will be filled by non-null values from the map, if present.

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Decodes properties from the given map to a value of type T using the given deserializer. String values are converted to respective primitive types using default conversion methods. T may contain properties of nullable types; they will be filled by non-null values from the map, if present.

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Decodes properties from given map, assigns them to an object using serializer for reified type T and returns this object. String values are converted to respective primitive types using default conversion methods. T may contain properties of nullable types; they will be filled by non-null values from the map, if present.

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Encodes properties from the given value to a map using the given serializer. null values are omitted from the output.

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Encodes properties from given value to a map using serializer for reified type T and returns this map. null values are omitted from the output.

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Encodes properties from the given value to a map using the given serializer. Converts all primitive types to String using toString method. null values are omitted from the output.

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Encodes properties from given value to a map using serializer for reified type T and returns this map. Converts all primitive types to String using toString method. null values are omitted from the output.