
Values of primitive kinds usually are represented as a single value. All default serializers for Kotlin primitives types and String have primitive kind.

Serializers interaction

Serialization formats typically handle these kinds by calling a corresponding primitive method on encoder or decoder. For example, if the following serializable class class Color(val red: Byte, val green: Byte, val blue: Byte) is represented by your serializer as a single Int value, a typical serializer will serialize its value in the following manner:

val intValue = color.rgbToInt()

and a corresponding Decoder counterpart.

Implementation note

Serial descriptors for primitive kinds are not expected to have any nested elements, thus its element count should be zero. If a class is represented as a primitive value, its corresponding serial name should not be equal to the corresponding primitive type name. For the Color example, represented as single Int, its descriptor should have INT kind, zero elements and serial name not equals to kotlin.Int: PrimitiveDescriptor("my.package.ColorAsInt", PrimitiveKind.INT)



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Primitive kind that represents a boolean true/false value. Corresponding Kotlin primitive is Boolean. Corresponding encoder and decoder methods are Encoder.encodeBoolean and Decoder.decodeBoolean.

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Primitive kind that represents a single byte value. Corresponding Kotlin primitive is Byte. Corresponding encoder and decoder methods are Encoder.encodeByte and Decoder.decodeByte.

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Primitive kind that represents a 16-bit unicode character value. Corresponding Kotlin primitive is Char. Corresponding encoder and decoder methods are Encoder.encodeChar and Decoder.decodeChar.

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Primitive kind that represents a 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point value. Corresponding Kotlin primitive is Double. Corresponding encoder and decoder methods are Encoder.encodeDouble and Decoder.decodeDouble.

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Primitive kind that represents a 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point value. Corresponding Kotlin primitive is Float. Corresponding encoder and decoder methods are Encoder.encodeFloat and Decoder.decodeFloat.

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Primitive kind that represents a 32-bit int value. Corresponding Kotlin primitive is Int. Corresponding encoder and decoder methods are Encoder.encodeInt and Decoder.decodeInt.

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Primitive kind that represents a 64-bit long value. Corresponding Kotlin primitive is Long. Corresponding encoder and decoder methods are Encoder.encodeLong and Decoder.decodeLong.

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Primitive kind that represents a 16-bit short value. Corresponding Kotlin primitive is Short. Corresponding encoder and decoder methods are Encoder.encodeShort and Decoder.decodeShort.

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Primitive kind that represents a string value. Corresponding Kotlin primitive is String. Corresponding encoder and decoder methods are Encoder.encodeString and Decoder.decodeString.


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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun toString(): String