Package-level declarations


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Serializer for ConfigMemorySize. All possible Hocon size formats [] are accepted for decoding. During encoding, the serializer emits values using powers of two: byte, KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB, PiB, EiB, ZiB, YiB. Encoding uses the largest possible integer value. Example: 1024 byte -> 1 KiB; 1024 KiB -> 1 MiB; 1025 KiB -> 1025 KiB. Usage example:

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Serializer for java.time.Duration. All possible Hocon duration formats [] are accepted for decoding. During encoding, the serializer emits values using time unit short names: d, h, m, s, ms, us, ns. The largest integer time unit is encoded. Example: 120.seconds -> 2 m; 121.seconds -> 121 s; 120.minutes -> 2 h; 122.minutes -> 122 m; 24.hours -> 1 d. When encoding, there is a conversion to kotlin.time.Duration. All restrictions on the maximum and minimum duration are specified in kotlin.time.Duration. Usage example: