The latest stable metadata version supported by this version of the library. The library can read in strict mode Kotlin metadata produced by Kotlin compilers from 1.0 up to and including this version + 1 minor.

In other words, the metadata version is supported if it is greater or equal than 1.1, and less or equal than LATEST_STABLE_SUPPORTED + 1 minor version. Note that the metadata version is 1.1 for Kotlin from 1.0 until 1.4, and is equal to the language version starting from Kotlin 1.4.

For example, if the latest supported stable Kotlin version is 1.7.0, kotlinx-metadata-jvm can read in strict mode binaries produced by Kotlin compilers from 1.0 to 1.8.* inclusively. In this case, this property will have the value 1.7.0.

See also