
Represents an effect expression, the contents of an effect (a part of the contract of a Kotlin function).

Contracts are an internal feature of the standard Kotlin library, and their behavior and/or binary format may change in a subsequent release.

Various effect expression attributes can be read and manipulated via extension properties, such as KmEffectExpression.isNegated.


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Arguments of an &&-expression. If this list is non-empty, the resulting effect expression is a conjunction of this expression and elements of the list.

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Constant value used in the effect expression.

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Type used as the target of an is-expression in the effect expression.

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Indicates that the corresponding effect expression should be negated to compute the proposition or the conclusion of an effect.

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Indicates that the corresponding effect expression checks whether a value of some variable is null.

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Arguments of an ||-expression. If this list is non-empty, the resulting effect expression is a disjunction of this expression and elements of the list.

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Optional 1-based index of the value parameter of the function, for effects which assert something about the function parameters. Index 0 means the extension receiver parameter.