
A difference between two instants, decomposed into date and time components.

The date components are: years (DateTimeUnit.YEAR), months (DateTimeUnit.MONTH), and days (DateTimeUnit.DAY).

The time components are: hours (DateTimeUnit.HOUR), minutes (DateTimeUnit.MINUTE), seconds (DateTimeUnit.SECOND), and nanoseconds (DateTimeUnit.NANOSECOND).

The time components are not independent and are always normalized together. Likewise, months are normalized together with years. For example, there is no difference between DateTimePeriod(months = 24, hours = 2, minutes = 63) and DateTimePeriod(years = 2, hours = 3, minutes = 3).

All components can also be negative: for example, DateTimePeriod(months = -5, days = 6, hours = -3). Whereas months = 5 means "5 months after," months = -5 means "5 months earlier."

A constant time interval that consists of a single non-zero component (like "yearly" or "quarterly") should be represented by a DateTimeUnit directly instead of a DateTimePeriod: for example, instead of DateTimePeriod(months = 6), one could use DateTimeUnit.MONTH * 6. This provides a wider variety of operations: for example, finding how many such intervals fit between two instants or dates or adding a multiple of such intervals at once.

Interaction with other entities

DateTimePeriod can be returned from Instant.periodUntil, representing the difference between two instants. Conversely, there is an overload that accepts a DateTimePeriod and returns a new instant.

DatePeriod is a subtype of DateTimePeriod that only stores the date components and has all time components equal to zero.

DateTimePeriod can be thought of as a combination of a Duration and a DatePeriod, as it contains both the time components of Duration and the date components of DatePeriod. Duration.toDateTimePeriod can be used to convert a Duration to the corresponding DateTimePeriod.

Construction, serialization, and deserialization

When a DateTimePeriod is constructed in any way, a DatePeriod value, which is a subtype of DateTimePeriod, will be returned if all time components happen to be zero.

A DateTimePeriod can be constructed using the constructor function with the same name. See sample 1.

parse and toString methods can be used to obtain a DateTimePeriod from and convert it to a string in the ISO 8601 extended format. See sample 2.

DateTimePeriod can also be returned as the result of instant arithmetic operations (see Instant.periodUntil).

Additionally, there are several kotlinx-serialization serializers for DateTimePeriod:


import kotlinx.datetime.*
import kotlin.test.*
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.days
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.minutes

fun main() { 
   // Constructing a DateTimePeriod using its constructor function
val period = DateTimePeriod(years = 5, months = 21, days = 36, seconds = 3601)
check(period.years == 6) // 5 years + (21 months / 12)
check(period.months == 9) // 21 months % 12
check(period.days == 36)
check(period.hours == 1) // 3601 seconds / 3600
check(period.minutes == 0)
check(period.seconds == 1)
check(period.nanoseconds == 0)
check(DateTimePeriod(months = -24) as DatePeriod == DatePeriod(years = -2)) 
import kotlinx.datetime.*
import kotlin.test.*
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.days
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.minutes

fun main() { 
   // Parsing and formatting a DateTimePeriod
val string = "P-2M-3DT-4H60M"
val period = DateTimePeriod.parse(string)
check(period.toString() == "-P2M3DT3H") 



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object Companion


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abstract val days: Int

The number of calendar days. Can be negative.

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open val hours: Int

The number of whole hours in this period. Can be negative.

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open val minutes: Int

The number of whole minutes in this period that don't form a whole hour, so this value is always in (-59..59).

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val months: Int

The number of months in this period that don't form a whole year, so this value is always in (-11..11).

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open val nanoseconds: Int

The number of whole nanoseconds in this period that don't form a whole second, so this value is always in (-999_999_999..999_999_999).

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open val seconds: Int

The number of whole seconds in this period that don't form a whole minute, so this value is always in (-59..59).

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val years: Int

The number of whole years. Can be negative.


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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Adds two DateTimePeriod instances.

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open override fun toString(): String

Converts this period to the ISO 8601 string representation for durations, for example, P2M1DT3H.