
A difference between two instants, decomposed into date and time components.

The date components are: years, months, days.

The time components are: hours, minutes, seconds, nanoseconds.

A DateTimePeriod can be constructed using the same-named constructor function, parsed from a string, or returned as the result of instant arithmetic operations (see Instant.periodUntil). All these functions can return a DatePeriod value, which is a subtype of DateTimePeriod, a special case that only stores date components, if all time components of the result happen to be zero.



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object Companion


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abstract val days: Int

The number of calendar days.

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open val hours: Int

The number of whole hours in this period.

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open val minutes: Int

The number of whole minutes in this period that don't form a whole hour, so this value is always in (-59..59).

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val months: Int

The number of months in this period that don't form a whole year, so this value is always in (-11..11).

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open val nanoseconds: Int

The number of whole nanoseconds in this period that don't form a whole second, so this value is always in (-999_999_999..999_999_999).

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open val seconds: Int

The number of whole seconds in this period that don't form a whole minute, so this value is always in (-59..59).

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val years: Int

The number of whole years.


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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Adds two DateTimePeriod instances.

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open override fun toString(): String

Converts this period to the ISO-8601 string representation for durations.