Represents any Kotlin compilation task including common task inputs.
The destination directory where the task artifact can be found.
Paths to the output directories of the friend modules whose internal declarations should be visible.
Collection of external artifacts participating in the output artifact generation.
Enables the Kotlin Multiplatform flag for compilation.
Kotlin compiler plugins artifacts , such as JAR or class files, that participate in the compilation process. All files that are permitted in the JVM classpath are permitted here.
The configuration for the Kotlin compiler plugin added in pluginClasspath using CompilerPluginConfig.
The configured task inputs (for example, Kotlin sources) which are used to produce a task artifact.
Specifies the name of org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinSourceSet that is compiled.
Enable more granular tracking of inter-modules as part of incremental compilation. Useful in Android projects.
Returns the set of exclude patterns.
Returns the set of include patterns.