Package-level declarations
Represents a Kotlin task that runs annotation processing using Kotlin/Kapt.
Represents any Kotlin compilation task including common task inputs.
Represents a Kotlin task that uses the Kotlin daemon to compile.
A task to incrementally synchronize a set of files between directories.
Represents a BaseKapt task whose implementation is running Kotlin/Kapt directly (without using the Kotlin compiler).
Represents a Kotlin task that generates stubs from Java annotation processing results.
Represents a Kotlin task compiling using configurable compilerOptions.
The available Kotlin compilation execution strategies in Gradle.
Represents a Kotlin task participating in some stage of the build by compiling sources or running additional Kotlin tools.
The Kotlin JVM toolchain.
Represents a Kotlin task compiling given Kotlin sources into JVM class files.
Represents a Kotlin task performing further processing of compiled code via additional Kotlin tools using configurable toolOptions.
Represents a Kotlin task using the Gradle toolchains for JVM projects feature inside its TaskAction.