The root node in the hierarchy DSL structure.
Creates a group with the name "common". It's a shortcut for group("common") { }
Allows including only those KotlinCompilations for which the predicate returns true
Removes the given trees from this descriptor.
Creates a group of KotlinSourceSets with the given name and structure provided via the build block.
Defines the KotlinSourceSetTrees that the described hierarchy is applied to.
Only includes Kotlin's Android/Native targets in this group.
Only includes Kotlin's Android/androidNativeArm32 target in this group.
Only includes Kotlin's Android/androidNativeArm64 target in this group.
Only includes Kotlin's Android/androidNativeX64 target in this group.
Only includes Kotlin's Android/androidNativeX86 target in this group.
Only includes Kotlin's Android targets in this group.
Allows including only those KotlinCompilations for which the predicate returns true
Only includes Kotlin's Apple/iosArm64 target in this group.
Only includes Kotlin's Apple/iosSimulatorArm64 target in this group.
Only includes Kotlin's Apple/iosX64 target in this group.
Only includes Kotlin's linuxArm64 target in this group.
Only includes Kotlin's linuxX64 target in this group.
Only includes Kotlin's Apple/macosArm64 target in this group.
Only includes Kotlin's Apple/macosX64 target in this group.
Only includes Kotlin's mingwX64 target in this group.
Only includes targets for Kotlin/Native in this group.
Adds the given trees into this descriptor.
Only includes Kotlin's Apple/tvosArm64 target in this group.
Only includes Kotlin's Apple/tvosSimulatorArm64 target in this group.
Only includes Kotlin's Apple/tvosX64 target in this group.
Only includes Kotlin's Wasm/JS targets in this group.
Only includes Kotlin's Wasm/WASI targets in this group.
Only includes Kotlin's Apple/watchOS targets in this group.
Only includes Kotlin's Apple/watchosArm32 target in this group.
Only includes Kotlin's Apple/watchosArm64 target in this group.
Only includes Kotlin's Apple/watchosDeviceArm64 target in this group.
Only includes Kotlin's Apple/watchosSimulatorArm64 target in this group.
Only includes Kotlin's Apple/watchosX64 target in this group.