Provides a skeletal implementation of the MutableList interface.
Since Kotlin
the type of elements contained in the list. The list is invariant in its element type.
Returns an IntRange of the valid indices for this collection.
Adds all elements of the given elements array to this MutableCollection.
Adds all elements of the given elements collection to this MutableCollection.
Adds all elements of the given elements sequence to this MutableCollection.
Returns a reversed read-only view of the original List. All changes made in the original list will be reflected in the reversed one.
Returns a reversed mutable view of the original mutable List. All changes made in the original list will be reflected in the reversed one and vice versa.
Returns a Map containing the elements from the given collection indexed by the key returned from keySelector function applied to each element.
Returns a Map containing the values provided by valueTransform and indexed by keySelector functions applied to elements of the given collection.
Populates and returns the destination mutable map with key-value pairs, where key is provided by the keySelector function applied to each element of the given collection and value is the element itself.
Populates and returns the destination mutable map with key-value pairs, where key is provided by the keySelector function and and value is provided by the valueTransform function applied to elements of the given collection.
Returns an average value of elements in the collection.
Searches this list or its range for an element for which the given comparison function returns zero using the binary search algorithm.
Searches this list or its range for the provided element using the binary search algorithm. The list is expected to be sorted into ascending order according to the Comparable natural ordering of its elements, otherwise the result is undefined.
Searches this list or its range for the provided element using the binary search algorithm. The list is expected to be sorted into ascending order according to the specified comparator, otherwise the result is undefined.
Searches this list or its range for an element having the key returned by the specified selector function equal to the provided key value using the binary search algorithm. The list is expected to be sorted into ascending order according to the Comparable natural ordering of keys of its elements. otherwise the result is undefined.
Checks if the specified element is contained in this collection.
Checks if all elements in the specified collection are contained in this collection.
Checks if all elements in the specified collection are contained in this collection.
Returns an element at the given index or throws an IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of bounds of this collection.
Returns an element at the given index or throws an IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of bounds of this list.
Returns an element at the given index or the result of calling the defaultValue function if the index is out of bounds of this collection.
Returns an element at the given index or the result of calling the defaultValue function if the index is out of bounds of this list.
Appends all elements matching the given predicate to the given destination.
Returns a list containing all elements that are instances of specified type parameter R.
Returns a list containing all elements that are instances of specified class.
Appends all elements that are instances of specified type parameter R to the given destination.
Appends all elements that are instances of specified class to the given destination.
Appends all elements that are not null
to the given destination.
Appends all elements not matching the given predicate to the given destination.
Returns the first element, or null
if the collection is empty.
Returns the first element, or null
if the list is empty.
Returns the first element matching the given predicate, or null
if element was not found.
Groups elements of the original collection by the key returned by the given keySelector function applied to each element and returns a map where each group key is associated with a list of corresponding elements.
Groups values returned by the valueTransform function applied to each element of the original collection by the key returned by the given keySelector function applied to the element and returns a map where each group key is associated with a list of corresponding values.
Groups elements of the original collection by the key returned by the given keySelector function applied to each element and puts to the destination map each group key associated with a list of corresponding elements.
Groups values returned by the valueTransform function applied to each element of the original collection by the key returned by the given keySelector function applied to the element and puts to the destination map each group key associated with a list of corresponding values.
Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified element in the list, or -1 if the specified element is not contained in the list.
Returns true
if the collection is not empty.
Returns an iterator over the elements of this object.
Appends the string from all the elements separated using separator and using the given prefix and postfix if supplied.
Creates a string from all the elements separated using separator and using the given prefix and postfix if supplied.
Returns the index of the last occurrence of the specified element in the list, or -1 if the specified element is not contained in the list.
Returns the last element, or null
if the collection is empty.
Returns the last element, or null
if the list is empty.
Returns the last element matching the given predicate, or null
if no such element was found.
Returns a list iterator over the elements in this list (in proper sequence).
Returns a list iterator over the elements in this list (in proper sequence), starting at the specified index.
Applies the given transform function to each element and its index in the original collection and appends only the non-null results to the given destination.
Applies the given transform function to each element and its index in the original collection and appends the results to the given destination.
Applies the given transform function to each element in the original collection and appends only the non-null results to the given destination.
Returns a list containing all elements of the original collection without the first occurrence of the given element.
Returns a list containing all elements of the original collection except the elements contained in the given elements array.
Returns a list containing all elements of the original collection except the elements contained in the given elements collection.
Returns a list containing all elements of the original collection except the elements contained in the given elements sequence.
Removes a single instance of the specified element from this mutable collection.
Removes all elements contained in the given elements array from this mutable collection.
Removes all elements contained in the given elements collection from this mutable collection.
Removes all elements contained in the given elements sequence from this mutable collection.
Returns a list containing all elements of the original collection and then the given element.
Returns a list containing all elements of the original collection and then all elements of the given elements array.
Returns a list containing all elements of the original collection and then all elements of the given elements collection.
Returns a list containing all elements of the original collection and then all elements of the given elements sequence.
Adds the specified element to this mutable collection.
Adds all elements of the given elements array to this mutable collection.
Adds all elements of the given elements collection to this mutable collection.
Adds all elements of the given elements sequence to this mutable collection.
Returns a list containing all elements of the original collection and then the given element.
Removes a single instance of the specified element from this collection, if it is present.
Removes the element at the specified index from this list. In Kotlin one should use the MutableList.removeAt function instead.
Removes all of this collection's elements that are also contained in the specified collection.
Removes all elements from this MutableCollection that are also contained in the given elements array.
Removes all of this collection's elements that are also contained in the specified collection.
Removes all elements from this MutableCollection that are also contained in the given elements collection.
Removes all elements from this MutableCollection that are also contained in the given elements sequence.
Removes all elements from this MutableIterable that match the given predicate.
Removes all elements from this MutableList that match the given predicate.
Returns an original collection containing all the non-null
elements, throwing an IllegalArgumentException if there are any null
Retains only the elements in this collection that are contained in the specified collection.
Retains only elements of this MutableCollection that are contained in the given elements array.
Retains only the elements in this collection that are contained in the specified collection.
Retains only elements of this MutableCollection that are contained in the given elements collection.
Retains only elements of this MutableCollection that are contained in the given elements sequence.
Retains only elements of this MutableIterable that match the given predicate.
Retains only elements of this MutableList that match the given predicate.
Returns the single element, or throws an exception if the collection is empty or has more than one element.
Returns the single element, or throws an exception if the list is empty or has more than one element.
Returns the single element matching the given predicate, or throws exception if there is no or more than one matching element.
Returns single element, or null
if the collection is empty or has more than one element.
Returns single element, or null
if the list is empty or has more than one element.
Returns the single element matching the given predicate, or null
if element was not found or more than one element was found.
Sorts elements in the list in-place descending according to natural sort order of the value returned by specified selector function.
Sorts elements in the list in-place descending according to their natural sort order.
Returns a list of all elements sorted descending according to their natural sort order.
Returns a list of all elements sorted according to the specified comparator.
Returns the sum of all elements in the collection.
Returns an array of Boolean containing all of the elements of this collection.
Returns an array of Byte containing all of the elements of this collection.
Returns an array of Char containing all of the elements of this collection.
Appends all elements to the given destination collection.
Returns an array of Double containing all of the elements of this collection.
Returns an array of Float containing all of the elements of this collection.
Returns an array of Int containing all of the elements of this collection.
Returns an array of Long containing all of the elements of this collection.
Returns a new map containing all key-value pairs from the given collection of pairs.
Populates and returns the destination mutable map with key-value pairs from the given collection of pairs.
Returns a new MutableList filled with all elements of this collection.
Returns a new MutableSet containing all distinct elements from the given collection.
Returns an array of Short containing all of the elements of this collection.
Returns a new SortedSet of all elements.
Returns a lazy Iterable that wraps each element of the original collection into an IndexedValue containing the index of that element and the element itself.
Returns a list of pairs built from the elements of this
collection and the other array with the same index. The returned list has length of the shortest collection.
Returns a list of pairs built from the elements of this
collection and other collection with the same index. The returned list has length of the shortest collection.
Returns a list of values built from the elements of this
collection and the other array with the same index using the provided transform function applied to each pair of elements. The returned list has length of the shortest collection.
Returns a list of values built from the elements of this
collection and the other collection with the same index using the provided transform function applied to each pair of elements. The returned list has length of the shortest collection.