
actual fun Instant.until(other: Instant, unit: DateTimeUnit, timeZone: TimeZone): Long(source)

Returns the whole number of the specified time units between this and other instants.

The value returned is:

  • Positive or zero if this instant is earlier than the other.

  • Negative or zero if this instant is later than the other.

  • Zero if this instant is equal to the other.

If the result does not fit in Long, returns Long.MAX_VALUE for a positive result or Long.MIN_VALUE for a negative result.


import kotlinx.datetime.*
import kotlinx.datetime.format.*
import kotlin.random.*
import kotlin.test.*
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.hours
fun main() { 
   // Finding the difference between two instants in terms of the given measurement unit
val instant = Instant.fromEpochSeconds(0)
val otherInstant = Instant.fromEpochSeconds(7 * 60 * 60, nanosecondAdjustment = 123_456_789)
val hoursBetweenInstants = instant.until(otherInstant, DateTimeUnit.HOUR)
check(hoursBetweenInstants == 7L) 

expect fun Instant.until(other: Instant, unit: DateTimeUnit, timeZone: TimeZone): Long(source)

Returns the whole number of the specified date or time units between this and other instants in the specified timeZone.

The value returned is:

  • Positive or zero if this instant is earlier than the other.

  • Negative or zero if this instant is later than the other.

  • Zero if this instant is equal to the other.

If the result does not fit in Long, returns Long.MAX_VALUE for a positive result or Long.MIN_VALUE for a negative result.


if this or other instant is too large to fit in LocalDateTime.


import kotlinx.datetime.*
import kotlinx.datetime.format.*
import kotlin.random.*
import kotlin.test.*
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.hours
fun main() { 
   // Finding the difference between two instants in terms of the given calendar-based measurement unit
val startInstant = Instant.parse("2024-01-01T02:00:00Z")
val endInstant = Instant.parse("2024-03-01T02:00:00Z")
// In New York, we find the difference between 2023-12-31 and 2024-02-29, which is just short of two months
val monthsBetweenInNewYork = startInstant.until(endInstant, DateTimeUnit.MONTH, TimeZone.of("America/New_York"))
check(monthsBetweenInNewYork == 1L)
// In Berlin, we find the difference between 2024-01-01 and 2024-03-01, which is exactly two months
val monthsBetweenInBerlin = startInstant.until(endInstant, DateTimeUnit.MONTH, TimeZone.of("Europe/Berlin"))
check(monthsBetweenInBerlin == 2L) 

Returns the whole number of the specified date units between this and other dates.

The value returned is:

  • Positive or zero if this date is earlier than the other.

  • Negative or zero if this date is later than the other.

  • Zero if this date is equal to the other.

The value is rounded toward zero.

If the result does not fit in Int, returns Int.MAX_VALUE for a positive result or Int.MIN_VALUE for a negative result.

See also


import kotlinx.datetime.*
import kotlinx.datetime.format.*
import kotlin.random.*
import kotlin.test.*
fun main() { 
   // Measuring the difference between two dates in terms of the given unit
val startDate = LocalDate(2023, Month.JANUARY, 2)
val endDate = LocalDate(2024, Month.APRIL, 1)
val differenceInMonths = startDate.until(endDate, DateTimeUnit.MONTH)
check(differenceInMonths == 14)
// one year, two months, and 30 days, rounded toward zero. 
actual fun Instant.until(other: Instant, unit: DateTimeUnit, timeZone: TimeZone): Long(source)
actual fun Instant.until(other: Instant, unit: DateTimeUnit, timeZone: TimeZone): Long(source)