current System Default
Queries the current system time zone.
If the current system time zone changes, this function can reflect this change on the next invocation.
On Linux, this function queries the /etc/localtime
symbolic link. If the link is missing, UTC is used. If the link points to an invalid location, IllegalTimeZoneException is thrown.
Always returns the UTC
timezone on the Wasm WASI platform due to the lack of support for retrieving system timezone information.
import kotlinx.datetime.*
import kotlinx.datetime.format.*
import kotlin.test.*
fun main() {
// Obtaining the current system default time zone and using it for formatting
// a fixed-width format for log entries
val logTimeFormat = DateTimeComponents.Format {
char(' ')
hour(); char(':'); minute(); char(':'); second(); char('.'); secondFraction(3)
fun logEntry(message: String, now: Instant = String {
val formattedTime = logTimeFormat.format {
with(TimeZone.currentSystemDefault()) {
return "[$formattedTime] $message"
// Outputs a text like `[2024-06-02 08:30:02.515+0200] Starting the application`
logEntry("Starting the application")