
A collection of datetime fields used specifically for parsing and formatting.

Its main purpose is to support complex datetime formats that don't correspond to any of the standard entities in the library. For example, a format that includes only the month and the day of the month but not the year cannot be represented and parsed as a LocalDate, but it is valid for a DateTimeComponents. See sample 1.

Another purpose is to support parsing and formatting data with out-of-bounds values. For example, parsing 23:59:60 as a LocalTime is not possible, but it is possible to parse it as a DateTimeComponents, adjust the value by setting second to 59, and then convert it to a LocalTime via toLocalTime. See sample 2.

Because this class has limited applications, constructing it directly is not possible. For formatting, use the format overload that accepts a lambda with a DateTimeComponents receiver. See sample 3.

Accessing the fields of this class is not thread-safe. Make sure to apply proper synchronization if you are using a single instance from multiple threads.


import kotlinx.datetime.*
import kotlinx.datetime.format.*
import kotlin.test.*

fun main() { 
   // Parsing a complex date-time string and extracting all its components
val input = "2020-03-16T23:59:59.999999999+03:00"
val components = DateTimeComponents.Formats.ISO_DATE_TIME_OFFSET.parse(input)
check(components.toLocalDateTime() == LocalDateTime(2020, 3, 16, 23, 59, 59, 999_999_999))
check(components.toInstantUsingOffset() == Instant.parse("2020-03-16T20:59:59.999999999Z"))
check(components.toUtcOffset() == UtcOffset(3, 0)) 
import kotlinx.datetime.*
import kotlinx.datetime.format.*
import kotlin.test.*

fun main() { 
   // Parsing an invalid input and handling the error
val input = "23:59:60"
val extraDay: Boolean
val time = DateTimeComponents.Format {
}.parse(input).apply {
    if (hour == 23 && minute == 59 && second == 60) {
        hour = 0; minute = 0; second = 0; extraDay = true
    } else {
        extraDay = false
check(time == LocalTime(0, 0))
import kotlinx.datetime.*
import kotlinx.datetime.format.*
import kotlin.test.*

fun main() { 
   // Formatting a multi-component date-time entity
val formatted = DateTimeComponents.Formats.RFC_1123.format {
        LocalDateTime(2020, 3, 16, 23, 59, 59, 999_999_999),
        UtcOffset(hours = 3)
check(formatted == "Mon, 16 Mar 2020 23:59:59 +0300") 


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object Companion
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object Formats

A collection of formats for parsing and formatting DateTimeComponents values.


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The AM/PM state of the time component.

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The day-of-month component of the date.

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The day-of-week component of the date.

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var hour: Int?

The hour-of-day (0..23) time component.

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The 12-hour (1..12) time component.

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var minute: Int?

The minute-of-hour component.

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var month: Month?

The month (Month) component of the date.

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The number-of-month (1..12) component of the date.

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The nanosecond-of-second component.

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The total amount of full hours in the UTC offset, in the range 0; 18.

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True if the offset is negative.

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The amount of minutes that don't add to a whole hour in the UTC offset, in the range 0; 59.

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The amount of seconds that don't add to a whole minute in the UTC offset, in the range 0; 59.

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var second: Int?

The second-of-minute component.

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The timezone identifier, for example, "Europe/Berlin".

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var year: Int?

The year component of the date.


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fun setDate(localDate: LocalDate)

Writes the contents of the specified localDate to this DateTimeComponents. The localDate is written to the year, monthNumber, dayOfMonth, and dayOfWeek fields.

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fun setDateTime(localDateTime: LocalDateTime)

Writes the contents of the specified localDateTime to this DateTimeComponents. The localDateTime is written to the year, monthNumber, dayOfMonth, dayOfWeek, hour, hourOfAmPm, amPm, minute, second and nanosecond fields.

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fun setDateTimeOffset(instant: Instant, utcOffset: UtcOffset)

Writes the contents of the specified instant to this DateTimeComponents.

fun setDateTimeOffset(localDateTime: LocalDateTime, utcOffset: UtcOffset)

Writes the contents of the specified localDateTime and utcOffset to this DateTimeComponents.

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fun setOffset(utcOffset: UtcOffset)

Writes the contents of the specified utcOffset to this DateTimeComponents. The utcOffset is written to the offsetHours, offsetMinutesOfHour, offsetSecondsOfMinute, and offsetIsNegative fields.

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fun setTime(localTime: LocalTime)

Writes the contents of the specified localTime to this DateTimeComponents. The localTime is written to the hour, hourOfAmPm, amPm, minute, second and nanosecond fields.

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Builds an Instant from the fields in this DateTimeComponents.

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Builds a LocalDate from the fields in this DateTimeComponents.

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Builds a LocalDateTime from the fields in this DateTimeComponents.

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Builds a LocalTime from the fields in this DateTimeComponents.

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Builds a UtcOffset from the fields in this DateTimeComponents.