
fun setDate(localDate: LocalDate)(source)

Writes the contents of the specified localDate to this DateTimeComponents. The localDate is written to the year, monthNumber, dayOfMonth, and dayOfWeek fields.

If any of the fields are already set, they will be overwritten.


import kotlinx.datetime.*
import kotlinx.datetime.format.*
import kotlin.test.*

fun main() { 
   // Formatting and parsing a date in complex scenarios
val format = DateTimeComponents.Format {
    year(); char('-'); monthNumber(); char('-'); dayOfMonth()
val formattedDate = format.format {
    setDate(LocalDate(2023, 1, 2))
    check(year == 2023)
    check(month == Month.JANUARY)
    check(dayOfMonth == 2)
    check(dayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.MONDAY)
check(formattedDate == "2023-01-02")
val parsedDate = format.parse("2023-01-02")
check(parsedDate.toLocalDate() == LocalDate(2023, 1, 2))
check(parsedDate.year == 2023)
check(parsedDate.month == Month.JANUARY)
check(parsedDate.dayOfMonth == 2)
check(parsedDate.dayOfWeek == null) 