
C interoperability settings

This interface represents the configuration settings for invoking the cinterop tool in Kotlin/Native projects. The cinterop tool provides the ability to use C libraries inside Kotlin projects.

Important: Use the CInteropSettings API instead of directly accessing tasks, configurations, and other related domain objects through the Gradle API.


Here is an example of how to use CInteropSettings to configure a cinterop task for the linuxX64 target:

kotlin {
linuxX64() {
compilations.getByName("main") {
cinterops {
val cinteropForLinuxX64 by creating {
// Configure the CInteropSettings here

In this example, we've added a cinterop setting named cinteropForLinuxX64 to the linuxX64 main KotlinCompilation. These settings are used to create and configure a cinterop task, along with the necessary dependencies for the compile task.


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A collection of directories to look for headers.


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The collection of libraries used for building during the C interoperability process. It's equivalent to the -library/-l cinterop tool options.


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abstract fun compilerOpts(vararg values: String)
abstract fun compilerOpts(values: List<String>)

The options that are passed to the compiler by the cinterop tool.

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abstract fun defFile(file: Any)

Specifies the path to the .def file that declares bindings for the C libraries. This function serves as a setter for the .def file path and is equivalent to passing -def to the cinterop tool.

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abstract fun extraOpts(vararg values: Any)
abstract fun extraOpts(values: List<Any>)

Adds additional options that are passed to the cinterop tool.

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abstract fun getName(): String
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open fun header(file: Any)

Adds a header file to produce Kotlin bindings. It's equivalent to the -header cinterop tool option.

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abstract fun headers(vararg files: Any)
abstract fun headers(files: FileCollection)

Adds header files to produce Kotlin bindings. It's equivalent to the -header cinterop tool option.

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abstract fun includeDirs(vararg values: Any)

A collection of directories to search for headers.

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abstract fun linkerOpts(vararg values: String)
abstract fun linkerOpts(values: List<String>)

Adds additional linker options. It's equivalent to the -linker-options cinterop tool option.

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abstract fun packageName(value: String)

Defines the package name for the generated bindings. It is equivalent to passing -pkg to the cinterop tool.