
Represents a 16-bit Unicode character.

On the JVM, non-nullable values of this type are represented as values of the primitive type char.

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object Companion
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Returns the Unicode general category of this character.

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Returns the Unicode directionality property for the given character.

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open operator override fun compareTo(other: Char): Int

Compares this value with the specified value for order.

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operator fun dec(): Char

Returns this value decremented by one.

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Returns a progression from this value down to the specified to value with the step -1.

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fun Char.equals(other: Char, ignoreCase: Boolean = false): Boolean

Returns true if this character is equal to the other character, optionally ignoring character case.

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operator fun inc(): Char

Returns this value incremented by one.

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actual inline fun Char.isDefined(): Boolean

Returns true if this character (Unicode code point) is defined in Unicode.

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actual inline fun Char.isDigit(): Boolean

Returns true if this character is a digit.

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Returns true if this character is a Unicode high-surrogate code unit (also known as leading-surrogate code unit).

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actual inline fun Char.isHighSurrogate(): Boolean

Returns true if this character is a Unicode high-surrogate code unit (also known as leading-surrogate code unit).

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Returns true if this character (Unicode code point) should be regarded as an ignorable character in a Java identifier or a Unicode identifier.

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actual inline fun Char.isISOControl(): Boolean

Returns true if this character is an ISO control character.

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Returns true if this character (Unicode code point) may be part of a Java identifier as other than the first character.

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Returns true if this character is permissible as the first character in a Java identifier.

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actual inline fun Char.isLetter(): Boolean

Returns true if this character is a letter.

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actual inline fun Char.isLetterOrDigit(): Boolean

Returns true if this character is a letter or digit.

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actual inline fun Char.isLowerCase(): Boolean

Returns true if this character is lower case.

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Returns true if this character is a Unicode low-surrogate code unit (also known as trailing-surrogate code unit).

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actual inline fun Char.isLowSurrogate(): Boolean

Returns true if this character is a Unicode low-surrogate code unit (also known as trailing-surrogate code unit).

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Returns true if this character is a Unicode surrogate code unit.

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actual inline fun Char.isTitleCase(): Boolean

Returns true if this character is a title case letter.

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actual inline fun Char.isUpperCase(): Boolean

Returns true if this character is upper case.

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expect fun Char.isWhitespace(): Boolean

Determines whether a character is whitespace according to the Unicode standard. Returns true if the character is whitespace.

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actual fun Char.isWhitespace(): Boolean

Determines whether a character is whitespace according to the Unicode standard. Returns true if the character is whitespace.

Since Kotlin 1.1
actual fun Char.isWhitespace(): Boolean

Determines whether a character is whitespace according to the Unicode standard. Returns true if the character is whitespace.

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operator fun minus(other: Char): Int

Subtracts the other Char value from this value resulting an Int.

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operator fun minus(other: Int): Char

Subtracts the other Int value from this value resulting a Char.

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operator fun plus(other: Int): Char

Adds the other Int value to this value resulting a Char.

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inline operator fun String): String

Concatenates this Char and a String.

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operator fun rangeTo(other: Char): CharRange

Creates a range from this value to the specified other value.

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fun toByte(): Byte

Returns the value of this character as a Byte.

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fun toChar(): Char

Returns the value of this character as a Char.

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Returns the value of this character as a Double.

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fun toFloat(): Float

Returns the value of this character as a Float.

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fun toInt(): Int

Returns the value of this character as a Int.

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fun toLong(): Long

Returns the value of this character as a Long.

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expect fun Char.toLowerCase(): Char

Converts this character to lower case using Unicode mapping rules of the invariant locale.

Since Kotlin 1.0
actual inline fun Char.toLowerCase(): Char

Converts this character to lower case using Unicode mapping rules of the invariant locale.

Since Kotlin 1.1
actual inline fun Char.toLowerCase(): Char

Converts this character to lower case using Unicode mapping rules of the invariant locale.

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fun toShort(): Short

Returns the value of this character as a Short.

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inline fun Char.toTitleCase(): Char

Converts this character to title case using Unicode mapping rules of the invariant locale.

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expect fun Char.toUpperCase(): Char

Converts this character to upper case using Unicode mapping rules of the invariant locale.

Since Kotlin 1.0
actual inline fun Char.toUpperCase(): Char

Converts this character to upper case using Unicode mapping rules of the invariant locale.

Since Kotlin 1.1
actual inline fun Char.toUpperCase(): Char

Converts this character to upper case using Unicode mapping rules of the invariant locale.

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infix fun Char.until(to: Char): CharRange

Returns a range from this value up to but excluding the specified to value.

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