
infix fun Int.until(to: Byte): IntRange(source)
infix fun Long.until(to: Byte): LongRange(source)
infix fun Byte.until(to: Byte): IntRange(source)
infix fun Short.until(to: Byte): IntRange(source)
infix fun Char.until(to: Char): CharRange(source)
infix fun Int.until(to: Int): IntRange(source)
infix fun Long.until(to: Int): LongRange(source)
infix fun Byte.until(to: Int): IntRange(source)
infix fun Short.until(to: Int): IntRange(source)
infix fun Int.until(to: Long): LongRange(source)
infix fun Long.until(to: Long): LongRange(source)
infix fun Byte.until(to: Long): LongRange(source)
infix fun Short.until(to: Long): LongRange(source)
infix fun Int.until(to: Short): IntRange(source)
infix fun Long.until(to: Short): LongRange(source)
infix fun Byte.until(to: Short): IntRange(source)
infix fun Short.until(to: Short): IntRange(source)

Returns a range from this value up to but excluding the specified to value.

If the to value is less than or equal to this value, then the returned range is empty.

Since Kotlin
