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Compatibility guide for Kotlin 2.0

Keeping the Language Modern and Comfortable Updates are among the fundamental principles in Kotlin Language Design. The former says that constructs which obstruct language evolution should be removed, and the latter says that this removal should be well-communicated beforehand to make code migration as smooth as possible.

While most of the language changes were already announced through other channels, like updated changelogs or compiler warnings, this document provides a complete reference for migration from Kotlin 1.9 to Kotlin 2.0.

Basic terms

In this document we introduce several kinds of compatibility:

  • source: source-incompatible change stops code that used to compile fine (without errors or warnings) from compiling anymore

  • binary: two binary artifacts are said to be binary-compatible if interchanging them doesn't lead to loading or linkage errors

  • behavioral: a change is said to be behavioral-incompatible if the same program demonstrates different behavior before and after applying the change

Remember that those definitions are given only for pure Kotlin. Compatibility of Kotlin code from the other languages perspective (for example, from Java) is out of the scope of this document.


Deprecate use of a synthetic setter on a projected receiver

Correct mangling when calling functions with inline class parameters that are overloaded in a Java subclass

Correct type approximation algorithm for contravariant captured types

Prohibit accessing property value before property initialization

Report error when there's ambiguity in imported classes with the same name

Generate Kotlin lambdas via invokedynamic and LambdaMetafactory by default

Forbid if condition with one branch when an expression is required

Prohibit violation of self upper bounds by passing a star-projection of a generic type

Approximate anonymous types in private inline functions return type

Change overload resolution behavior to prioritize local extension function calls over invoke conventions of local functional type properties

Report error when an inherited member conflict occurs due to a change in a supertype from binary dependency

Ignore @UnsafeVariance annotations on parameters in invariant types

Change type for out-of-call references to a companion object's member

Prohibit exposure of anonymous types from private inline functions

Report error for an unsound smart cast after a while-loop break

Report error when a variable of an intersection type is assigned a value that is not a subtype of that intersection type

Require opt-in when an interface constructed with a SAM constructor contains a method that requires an opt-in

Prohibit upper bound violation in typealias constructors

Make the real type of a destructuring variable consistent with the explicit type when specified

Require opt-in when calling a constructor that has parameter types with default values that require an opt-in

Report ambiguity between a property and an enum entry with the same name at the same scope level

Change qualifier resolution behavior to prefer companion property over enum entry

Resolve invoke call receiver type and the invoke function type as if written in desugared form

Prohibit exposing private class members through non-private inline functions

Correct nullability of definitely non-null types in projected generic types

Change inferred type of prefix increment to match getter's return type instead of inc() operator's return type

Enforce bound checks when inheriting inner classes from generic inner classes declared in superclasses

Forbid assigning callable references with SAM types when the expected type is a function type with a function type parameter

Consider companion object scope for annotation resolution on companion objects

Change evaluation semantics for combination of safe calls and convention operators

Require properties with backing field and a custom setter to be immediately initialized

Prohibit Unit conversion on arbitrary expressions in invoke operator convention call

Forbid nullable assignment to non-null Java field when the field is accessed with a safe call

Require star-projected type when overriding a Java method containing a raw-type parameter

Change (V)::foo reference resolution when V has a companion

Forbid implicit non-public API access in effectively public inline functions

Prohibit use-site get annotations on property getters

Prevent implicit inference of type parameters into upper bounds in builder inference lambda functions

Keep nullability when approximating local types in public signatures

Remove special handling for false && ... and false || ... for the purposes of smart-casting

Forbid inline open functions in enums


Visibility changes in Gradle

Deprecate kotlinOptions DSL

Deprecate compilerOptions in KotlinCompilation DSL

Deprecate old ways of CInteropProcess handling

Remove kotlin.useK2 Gradle property

Remove deprecated platform plugin IDs

Last modified: 25 September 2024