Package kotlin.test
Annotations to mark test functions and top-level functions for performing assertions in tests.
Abstracts the logic for performing assertions. Specific implementations of Asserter can use JUnit or TestNG assertion facilities.
interface Asserter
Checks applicability and provides Asserter instance
interface AsserterContributor
Describes the result of an assertion execution.
interface AssertionResult
Serves as a bridge to a testing framework.
interface FrameworkAdapter
interface KotlinTestNamespace
Marks a function to be executed after a suite. Not supported in Kotlin/Common.
annotation class AfterClass
Marks a function to be executed before a suite. Not supported in Kotlin/Common.
annotation class BeforeClass
Marks a function to be invoked before each test.
annotation class BeforeTest
typealias BeforeTest = Before
typealias BeforeTest = BeforeEach
typealias BeforeTest = BeforeMethod
val kotlinTestNamespace: KotlinTestNamespace
Asserts that the array contains the specified element, with an optional message.
fun assertContains(
array: ShortArray,
element: Short,
message: String? = null
): Unit
fun assertContains(
array: BooleanArray,
element: Boolean,
message: String? = null
): Unit
fun assertContains(
array: UByteArray,
element: UByte,
message: String? = null
): Unit
fun assertContains(
array: UShortArray,
element: UShort,
message: String? = null
): Unit
fun assertContains(
array: ULongArray,
element: ULong,
message: String? = null
): Unit
Asserts that the range contains the specified value, with an optional message.
fun <T : Comparable<T>> assertContains(
range: ClosedRange<T>,
value: T,
message: String? = null
): Unit
fun <T : Comparable<T>> assertContains(
range: OpenEndRange<T>,
value: T,
message: String? = null
): Unit
fun assertContains(
range: ULongRange,
value: ULong,
message: String? = null
): Unit
Asserts that the charSequence contains the specified char, with an optional message.
fun assertContains(
charSequence: CharSequence,
char: Char,
ignoreCase: Boolean = false,
message: String? = null
): Unit
Asserts that the charSequence contains the specified other char sequence as a substring, with an optional message.
fun assertContains(
charSequence: CharSequence,
other: CharSequence,
ignoreCase: Boolean = false,
message: String? = null
): Unit
Asserts that the charSequence contains at least one match of the specified regular expression regex, with an optional message.
fun assertContains(
charSequence: CharSequence,
regex: Regex,
message: String? = null
): Unit
Asserts that the expected iterable is structurally equal to the actual iterable, with an optional message.
Asserts that the expected sequence is structurally equal to the actual sequence, with an optional message.
Asserts that the expected array is structurally equal to the actual array, with an optional message.
fun assertContentEquals(
expected: ShortArray?,
actual: ShortArray?,
message: String? = null
): Unit
fun assertContentEquals(
expected: FloatArray?,
actual: FloatArray?,
message: String? = null
): Unit
fun assertContentEquals(
expected: DoubleArray?,
actual: DoubleArray?,
message: String? = null
): Unit
fun assertContentEquals(
expected: BooleanArray?,
actual: BooleanArray?,
message: String? = null
): Unit
fun assertContentEquals(
expected: UByteArray?,
actual: UByteArray?,
message: String? = null
): Unit
fun assertContentEquals(
expected: UShortArray?,
actual: UShortArray?,
message: String? = null
): Unit
fun assertContentEquals(
expected: ULongArray?,
actual: ULongArray?,
message: String? = null
): Unit
Asserts that the difference between the actual and the expected is within an absoluteTolerance, with an optional message.
Asserts that the given block returns false
Asserts that the difference between the actual and the illegal is not within an absoluteTolerance, with an optional message.
Asserts that the given block returns true
Returns an array of stack trace elements, each representing one stack frame. The first element of the array (assuming the array is not empty) represents the top of the stack, which is the place where currentStackTrace function was called from.
fun currentStackTrace(): Array<StackTraceElement>