
var groupSeparator: String

Defines BytesHexFormat.groupSeparator of the format being built, two space characters (" ") by default.

Refer to BytesHexFormat.groupSeparator for details about how this format option affects the formatting and parsing results.

import kotlin.test.*

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val data = ByteArray(7) { it.toByte() }

// By default, both bytesPerLine and bytesPerGroup are set to Int.MAX_VALUE, which exceeds data.size.
// Hence, all bytes are formatted as a single line and a single group.
println(data.toHexString()) // 00010203040506
println("\"00010203040506\".hexToByteArray().contentEquals(data) is ${"00010203040506".hexToByteArray().contentEquals(data)}") // true

// Setting bytesPerGroup to 2 with the default group separator, which is two spaces.
val twoPerGroupFormat = HexFormat {
    bytes.bytesPerGroup = 2
println(data.toHexString(twoPerGroupFormat)) // 0001  0203  0405  06
println("\"0001  0203  0405  06\".hexToByteArray(twoPerGroupFormat).contentEquals(data) is ${"0001  0203  0405  06".hexToByteArray(twoPerGroupFormat).contentEquals(data)}") // true

// Specifying a custom group separator, a dot in this case.
val dotGroupSeparatorFormat = HexFormat {
    bytes {
        bytesPerGroup = 2
        groupSeparator = "."
println(data.toHexString(dotGroupSeparatorFormat)) // 0001.0203.0405.06
println("\"0001.0203.0405.06\".hexToByteArray(dotGroupSeparatorFormat).contentEquals(data) is ${"0001.0203.0405.06".hexToByteArray(dotGroupSeparatorFormat).contentEquals(data)}") // true

// If bytesPerLine is less than or equal to bytesPerGroup, each line is treated as a single group,
// hence no group separator is used.
val lessBytesPerLineFormat = HexFormat {
    bytes {
        bytesPerLine = 3
        bytesPerGroup = 4
        groupSeparator = "|"
println(data.toHexString(lessBytesPerLineFormat)) // 000102\n030405\n06
println("\"000102\\n030405\\n06\".hexToByteArray(lessBytesPerLineFormat).contentEquals(data) is ${"000102\n030405\n06".hexToByteArray(lessBytesPerLineFormat).contentEquals(data)}") // true

// When bytesPerLine is greater than bytesPerGroup, each line is split into multiple groups.
val moreBytesPerLineFormat = HexFormat {
    bytes {
        bytesPerLine = 5
        bytesPerGroup = 2
        groupSeparator = "."
println(data.toHexString(moreBytesPerLineFormat)) // 0001.0203.04\n0506
println("\"0001.0203.04\\n0506\".hexToByteArray(moreBytesPerLineFormat).contentEquals(data) is ${"0001.0203.04\n0506".hexToByteArray(moreBytesPerLineFormat).contentEquals(data)}") // true

// Parsing fails due to incorrect group separator.
// "0001  0203  04\n0506".hexToByteArray(moreBytesPerLineFormat) // will fail with IllegalArgumentException