
actual object Formats(source)
expect object Formats(source)

A collection of predefined formats for parsing and formatting UtcOffset values.

See UtcOffset.Formats.ISO, UtcOffset.Formats.ISO_BASIC, and UtcOffset.Formats.FOUR_DIGITS for popular predefined formats.

If predefined formats are not sufficient, use UtcOffset.Format to create a custom kotlinx.datetime.format.DateTimeFormat for UtcOffset values.

actual object Formats(source)
actual object Formats(source)


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A subset of the ISO 8601 basic format that always outputs and parses exactly a numeric sign and four digits: two digits for the hour and two digits for the minute. If the offset has a non-zero number of seconds, they are truncated.

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ISO 8601 extended format, which is the format used by UtcOffset.parse and UtcOffset.toString.

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ISO 8601 basic format.