Creates a dependency to an official Kotlin library with the same version that is configured <<<<<<< HEAD <<<<<<< HEAD in KotlinTopLevelExtensionConfig.coreLibrariesVersion. ||||||| parent of d8f8907bc52f (fixup! Gradle Add public KotlinBaseExtension interface) in KotlinTopLevelExtension.coreLibrariesVersion. ======= in KotlinBaseExtension.coreLibrariesVersion.
d8f8907bc52f (fixup! Gradle Add public KotlinBaseExtension interface) ||||||| parent of 37fd28b82148 (Gradle Deprecated kotlinTopLevelExtensionConfig interface) in KotlinTopLevelExtensionConfig.coreLibrariesVersion. ======= in KotlinTopLevelExtension.coreLibrariesVersion. 37fd28b82148 (Gradle Deprecated kotlinTopLevelExtensionConfig interface)
Note: The created dependency should be manually added to this entity using other methods from this DSL:
kotlin.sourceSets["jvmMain"].dependencies {
The official Kotlin dependencies are always part of the "org.jetbrains.kotlin" group and the module name always has prefix: "kotlin-".
The Kotlin module name that follows after the "kotlin-" prefix. For example, for "kotlin-reflect":
// equivalent to
Creates a dependency to an official Kotlin library.
Note: The created dependency should be manually added to this entity using other methods from this DSL:
kotlin.sourceSets["jvmMain"].dependencies {
implementation(kotlin("stdlib", "2.0.0"))
The official Kotlin dependencies are always part of the "org.jetbrains.kotlin" group and the module name always has prefix: "kotlin-".
The Kotlin module name followedthat follows after the "kotlin-" prefix. For example, for "kotlin-reflect":
implementation(kotlin("reflect", "2.0.0"))
// equivalent to
<<<<<<< HEAD <<<<<<< HEAD
dependency version or null
to use the version defined in KotlinTopLevelExtension.coreLibrariesVersion.
37fd28b82148 (Gradle Deprecated kotlinTopLevelExtensionConfig interface)