
Compiler options for Kotlin/JVM.


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Report an error if there are any warnings.

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Allow using declarations from only the specified version of bundled libraries.

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abstract val extraWarnings: Property<Boolean>

Enable extra checkers for K2.

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A list of additional compiler arguments

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Generate metadata for Java 1.8 reflection on method parameters.

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abstract val jvmTarget: Property<JvmTarget>

The target version of the generated JVM bytecode (1.8 and 9–23), with 1.8 as the default.

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Provide source compatibility with the specified version of Kotlin.

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abstract val moduleName: Property<String>

Name of the generated '.kotlin_module' file.

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abstract val noJdk: Property<Boolean>

Don't automatically include the Java runtime in the classpath.

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abstract val optIn: ListProperty<String>

Enable API usages that require opt-in with an opt-in requirement marker with the given fully qualified name.

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Enable progressive compiler mode. In this mode, deprecations and bug fixes for unstable code take effect immediately instead of going through a graceful migration cycle. Code written in progressive mode is backward compatible; however, code written without progressive mode enabled may cause compilation errors in progressive mode.

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Don't generate any warnings.

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abstract val useK2: Property<Boolean>

Compile using the experimental K2 compiler pipeline. No compatibility guarantees are provided yet.

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abstract val verbose: Property<Boolean>

Enable verbose logging output.