Package-level declarations
Different modes that can be used to set the level of issue reporting for KotlinTopLevelExtension.explicitApi option.
DSL entity with the ability to configure Kotlin compiler options.
A DSL to specify arguments that are used during kapt processing.
A plugin DSL extension for configuring kapt annotation processing.
A DSL to specify javac options that are used during kapt processing.
A plugin DSL extension for configuring Kotlin JVM options for the entire project.
A plugin DSL extension for configuring common options for the entire project.
Common compiler options for all Kotlin platforms.
Common options for all Kotlin platforms' compilations and tools.
Common compiler options for all Kotlin platforms.
Common options for all Kotlin platforms' compilations and tools.
Represents a Kotlin task compiling using configurable kotlinOptions.
Marks a Kotlin Gradle plugin DSL language.
A DSL to apply hierarchy templates in a Kotlin project.
Compiler options for Kotlin/JS.
Options for the Kotlin JavaScript dead code elimination tool.
Options for the Kotlin JavaScript dead code elimination tool.
Compiler options for Kotlin/JS.
Compiler options for Kotlin/JVM.
A plugin DSL extension for configuring Kotlin JVM options for the entire project.
Compiler options for Kotlin/JVM.
Compiler options for the Kotlin common platform.
Compiler options for the Kotlin common platform.
Provides static accessors for source set conventions
Compiler options for Kotlin Native.
A plugin DSL extension for configuring common options for the entire project.
A plugin DSL extension for configuring common options for the entire project.