

The kotlinOptions types are deprecated, please migrate to the compilerOptions types. More details are here: https://kotl.in/u1r8ln

Compiler options for Kotlin/JS.


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Report an error if there are any warnings.

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open var apiVersion: String?

Allow using declarations from only the specified version of bundled libraries.

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A list of additional compiler arguments

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Disable internal declaration export.

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Provide source compatibility with the specified version of Kotlin.

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open var main: String

Specify whether the 'main' function should be called upon execution.

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open var metaInfo: Boolean

This option does nothing and is left for compatibility with the legacy backend. It is deprecated and will be removed in Kotlin 2.2.

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open var moduleKind: String?

The kind of JS module generated by the compiler. ES modules are enabled by default in case of ES2015 target usage

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open var moduleName: String?

Base name of generated files.

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open var noStdlib: Boolean

This option does nothing and is left for compatibility with the legacy backend. It is deprecated and will be removed in Kotlin 2.2.

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open var sourceMap: Boolean

Generate a source map.

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Embed source files into the source map.

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Mode for mapping generated names to original names.

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Add the specified prefix to the paths in the source map.

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Don't generate any warnings.

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open var target: String

Generate JS files for the specified ECMA version.

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This option does nothing and is left for compatibility with the legacy backend. It is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

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Let generated JavaScript code use ES2015 classes. Enabled by default in case of ES2015 target usage

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open var useK2: Boolean

Compile using the experimental K2 compiler pipeline. No compatibility guarantees are provided yet.

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open var verbose: Boolean

Enable verbose logging output.