A plugin DSL extension for configuring kapt annotation processing.
Use the extension in your build script in the kapt
kapt {
// Your extension configuration
See also Kapt compiler plugin documentation.
Replaces any generated error types with error types from the generated sources.
Detects memory leaks in annotation processors.
Adds initializers to fields whose corresponding primary constructor parameters have a default value specified.
Also loads annotation processors from compile classpath.
Keeps annotation processors that are added via the annotationProcessor(..)
configuration for javac java-files compilation
Maps diagnostics reported on kapt stubs to their original locations in Kotlin sources.
Shows annotation processor statistics in the verbose kapt log output.
Reports any incompatibility errors found during stub generation.
Strips @Metadata
annotations from stubs.
Uses the Gradle build cache feature for kapt tasks.
Skips analyzing code bodies, if possible.
Adds annotation processor with the specified fqName to the list of processors to run.
Adds annotation processors with the specified fqName to the list of processors to run.
Configure KaptArguments used for annotation processing.
Configures the KaptArguments used for annotation processing.
Gets all the javac options used to run kapt annotation processing.
Configures the KaptJavacOption used for annotation processing.