Package-level declarations

Kotlin JavaScript wrappers for the DOM URL API.

Kotlin JavaScript wrappers for the DOM URL API.


Link copied to clipboard
open external class URL(url: String, base: String = definedExternally)

Exposes the JavaScript URL to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.1
open external class URL(url: String, base: String = definedExternally) : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript URL to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.8
Link copied to clipboard
open external class URLSearchParams(init: dynamic = definedExternally)

Exposes the JavaScript URLSearchParams to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.1
open external class URLSearchParams(init: JsAny? = definedExternally) : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript URLSearchParams to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.8