Package-level declarations

Kotlin JavaScript wrappers for the WebGL API.

Kotlin JavaScript wrappers for the WebGL API.


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open external class ArrayBuffer(length: Int) : BufferDataSource

Exposes the JavaScript ArrayBuffer to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.1
open external class ArrayBuffer(length: Int) : BufferDataSource, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript ArrayBuffer to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.8
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external interface ArrayBufferView : BufferDataSource

Exposes the JavaScript ArrayBufferView to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.1
external interface ArrayBufferView : BufferDataSource, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript ArrayBufferView to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.8
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external interface BufferDataSource
Since Kotlin 1.1
external interface BufferDataSource
Since Kotlin 1.8
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open external class DataView(buffer: ArrayBuffer, byteOffset: Int = definedExternally, byteLength: Int = definedExternally) : ArrayBufferView

Exposes the JavaScript DataView to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.1
open external class DataView(buffer: ArrayBuffer, byteOffset: Int = definedExternally, byteLength: Int = definedExternally) : ArrayBufferView, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript DataView to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.8
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open external class Float32Array : ArrayBufferView

Exposes the JavaScript Float32Array to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.1
open external class Float32Array : ArrayBufferView, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript Float32Array to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.8
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open external class Float64Array : ArrayBufferView

Exposes the JavaScript Float64Array to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.1
open external class Float64Array : ArrayBufferView, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript Float64Array to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.8
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open external class Int16Array : ArrayBufferView

Exposes the JavaScript Int16Array to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.1
open external class Int16Array : ArrayBufferView, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript Int16Array to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.8
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open external class Int32Array : ArrayBufferView

Exposes the JavaScript Int32Array to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.1
open external class Int32Array : ArrayBufferView, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript Int32Array to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.8
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open external class Int8Array : ArrayBufferView

Exposes the JavaScript Int8Array to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.1
open external class Int8Array : ArrayBufferView, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript Int8Array to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.8
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external interface TexImageSource
Since Kotlin 1.1
external interface TexImageSource
Since Kotlin 1.8
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open external class Uint16Array : ArrayBufferView

Exposes the JavaScript Uint16Array to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.1
open external class Uint16Array : ArrayBufferView, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript Uint16Array to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.8
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open external class Uint32Array : ArrayBufferView

Exposes the JavaScript Uint32Array to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.1
open external class Uint32Array : ArrayBufferView, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript Uint32Array to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.8
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open external class Uint8Array : ArrayBufferView

Exposes the JavaScript Uint8Array to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.1
open external class Uint8Array : ArrayBufferView, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript Uint8Array to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.8
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open external class Uint8ClampedArray : ArrayBufferView

Exposes the JavaScript Uint8ClampedArray to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.1
open external class Uint8ClampedArray : ArrayBufferView, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript Uint8ClampedArray to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.8
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abstract external class WebGLActiveInfo

Exposes the JavaScript WebGLActiveInfo to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.1
abstract external class WebGLActiveInfo : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript WebGLActiveInfo to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.8
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abstract external class WebGLBuffer : WebGLObject

Exposes the JavaScript WebGLBuffer to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.1
abstract external class WebGLBuffer : WebGLObject, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript WebGLBuffer to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.8
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external interface WebGLContextAttributes
Since Kotlin 1.1
external interface WebGLContextAttributes : JsAny
Since Kotlin 1.8
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open external class WebGLContextEvent(type: String, eventInit: WebGLContextEventInit = definedExternally) : Event

Exposes the JavaScript WebGLContextEvent to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.1
open external class WebGLContextEvent(type: String, eventInit: WebGLContextEventInit = definedExternally) : Event, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript WebGLContextEvent to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.8
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external interface WebGLContextEventInit : EventInit
Since Kotlin 1.1
external interface WebGLContextEventInit : EventInit, JsAny
Since Kotlin 1.8
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abstract external class WebGLFramebuffer : WebGLObject

Exposes the JavaScript WebGLFramebuffer to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.1
abstract external class WebGLFramebuffer : WebGLObject, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript WebGLFramebuffer to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.8
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abstract external class WebGLObject
Since Kotlin 1.1
abstract external class WebGLObject : JsAny
Since Kotlin 1.8
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abstract external class WebGLProgram : WebGLObject

Exposes the JavaScript WebGLProgram to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.1
abstract external class WebGLProgram : WebGLObject, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript WebGLProgram to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.8
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abstract external class WebGLRenderbuffer : WebGLObject

Exposes the JavaScript WebGLRenderbuffer to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.1
abstract external class WebGLRenderbuffer : WebGLObject, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript WebGLRenderbuffer to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.8
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Exposes the JavaScript WebGLRenderingContext to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.1

Exposes the JavaScript WebGLRenderingContext to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.8
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external interface WebGLRenderingContextBase
Since Kotlin 1.1
external interface WebGLRenderingContextBase : JsAny
Since Kotlin 1.8
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abstract external class WebGLShader : WebGLObject

Exposes the JavaScript WebGLShader to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.1
abstract external class WebGLShader : WebGLObject, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript WebGLShader to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.8
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abstract external class WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat

Exposes the JavaScript WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.1
abstract external class WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.8
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abstract external class WebGLTexture : WebGLObject

Exposes the JavaScript WebGLTexture to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.1
abstract external class WebGLTexture : WebGLObject, JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript WebGLTexture to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.8
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abstract external class WebGLUniformLocation

Exposes the JavaScript WebGLUniformLocation to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.1
abstract external class WebGLUniformLocation : JsAny

Exposes the JavaScript WebGLUniformLocation to Kotlin

Since Kotlin 1.8


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inline operator fun Float32Array.get(index: Int): Float
inline operator fun Float64Array.get(index: Int): Double
inline operator fun Int16Array.get(index: Int): Short
inline operator fun Int32Array.get(index: Int): Int
inline operator fun Int8Array.get(index: Int): Byte
inline operator fun Uint16Array.get(index: Int): Short
inline operator fun Uint32Array.get(index: Int): Int
inline operator fun Uint8Array.get(index: Int): Byte
inline operator fun Uint8ClampedArray.get(index: Int): Byte
Since Kotlin 1.1
operator fun Float32Array.get(index: Int): Float
operator fun Float64Array.get(index: Int): Double
operator fun Int16Array.get(index: Int): Short
operator fun Int32Array.get(index: Int): Int
operator fun Int8Array.get(index: Int): Byte
operator fun Uint16Array.get(index: Int): Short
operator fun Uint32Array.get(index: Int): Int
operator fun Uint8Array.get(index: Int): Byte
operator fun Uint8ClampedArray.get(index: Int): Byte
Since Kotlin 1.8
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inline operator fun Float32Array.set(index: Int, value: Float)
inline operator fun Float64Array.set(index: Int, value: Double)
inline operator fun Int16Array.set(index: Int, value: Short)
inline operator fun Int32Array.set(index: Int, value: Int)
inline operator fun Int8Array.set(index: Int, value: Byte)
inline operator fun Uint16Array.set(index: Int, value: Short)
inline operator fun Uint32Array.set(index: Int, value: Int)
inline operator fun Uint8Array.set(index: Int, value: Byte)
inline operator fun Uint8ClampedArray.set(index: Int, value: Byte)
Since Kotlin 1.1
operator fun Float32Array.set(index: Int, value: Float)
operator fun Float64Array.set(index: Int, value: Double)
operator fun Int16Array.set(index: Int, value: Short)
operator fun Int32Array.set(index: Int, value: Int)
operator fun Int8Array.set(index: Int, value: Byte)
operator fun Uint16Array.set(index: Int, value: Short)
operator fun Uint32Array.set(index: Int, value: Int)
operator fun Uint8Array.set(index: Int, value: Byte)
operator fun Uint8ClampedArray.set(index: Int, value: Byte)
Since Kotlin 1.8
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inline fun WebGLContextAttributes(alpha: Boolean? = true, depth: Boolean? = true, stencil: Boolean? = false, antialias: Boolean? = true, premultipliedAlpha: Boolean? = true, preserveDrawingBuffer: Boolean? = false, preferLowPowerToHighPerformance: Boolean? = false, failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat: Boolean? = false): WebGLContextAttributes
Since Kotlin 1.1
fun WebGLContextAttributes(alpha: Boolean? = true, depth: Boolean? = true, stencil: Boolean? = false, antialias: Boolean? = true, premultipliedAlpha: Boolean? = true, preserveDrawingBuffer: Boolean? = false, preferLowPowerToHighPerformance: Boolean? = false, failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat: Boolean? = false): WebGLContextAttributes
Since Kotlin 1.8
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inline fun WebGLContextEventInit(statusMessage: String? = "", bubbles: Boolean? = false, cancelable: Boolean? = false, composed: Boolean? = false): WebGLContextEventInit
Since Kotlin 1.1
fun WebGLContextEventInit(statusMessage: String? = "", bubbles: Boolean? = false, cancelable: Boolean? = false, composed: Boolean? = false): WebGLContextEventInit
Since Kotlin 1.8