
Returns the detailed description of this throwable with its stack trace.

The detailed description includes:

  • the short description (see Throwable.toString) of this throwable;

  • the complete stack trace;

  • detailed descriptions of the exceptions that were suppressed in order to deliver this exception;

  • the detailed description of each throwable in the Throwable.cause chain.

Since Kotlin


Returns the detailed description of this throwable with its stack trace.

The detailed description includes:

  • the short description (see Throwable.toString) of this throwable;

  • the complete stack trace;

  • detailed descriptions of the exceptions that were suppressed in order to deliver this exception;

  • the detailed description of each throwable in the Throwable.cause chain.

Since Kotlin


Returns the detailed description of this throwable with its stack trace.

The detailed description includes:

  • the short description (see Throwable.toString) of this throwable;

  • the complete stack trace;

  • detailed descriptions of the exceptions that were suppressed in order to deliver this exception;

  • the detailed description of each throwable in the Throwable.cause chain.

Since Kotlin


Returns the detailed description of this throwable with its stack trace.

The detailed description includes:

  • the short description (see Throwable.toString) of this throwable;

  • the complete stack trace;

  • detailed descriptions of the exceptions that were suppressed in order to deliver this exception;

  • the detailed description of each throwable in the Throwable.cause chain.

Note that the description format is not stable and may change in the future.

Since Kotlin


Returns the detailed description of this throwable with its stack trace.

The detailed description includes:

  • the short description (see Throwable.toString) of this throwable;

  • the complete stack trace;

  • detailed descriptions of the exceptions that were suppressed in order to deliver this exception;

  • the detailed description of each throwable in the Throwable.cause chain.

Since Kotlin


Returns the detailed description of this throwable with its stack trace.

The detailed description includes:

  • the short description (see Throwable.toString) of this throwable;

  • the complete stack trace;

  • detailed descriptions of the exceptions that were suppressed in order to deliver this exception;

  • the detailed description of each throwable in the Throwable.cause chain.

Since Kotlin
