
A source of time for measuring time intervals.

The only operation provided by the time source is markNow. It returns a TimeMark, which can be used to query the elapsed time later.

Since Kotlin


See also



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object Companion
Since Kotlin 1.3
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The most precise time source available in the platform.

Since Kotlin 1.3
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A TimeSource that returns time marks that can be compared for difference with each other.

Since Kotlin 1.8


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abstract fun markNow(): TimeMark

Marks a point in time on this time source.

Since Kotlin 1.3
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Executes the given function block and returns the duration of elapsed time interval.

Since Kotlin 1.3
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Executes the given block and returns an instance of TimedValue class, containing both the result of function execution and the duration of elapsed time interval.

Since Kotlin 1.3